Just for sex

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 "Why don't you stop talking nonsense and start answering the sheets."  at least she didn't deny it, it might be a certain foolishness.

I began answering question by question from the useless guide, "Why give us a guide if we won't even have an exam?"  I placed each sheet I answered between Minji and me.

"If you don't know the answers, look them up in the book," she spoke again without looking at me, perhaps thinking that the sheets she left between us were because I didn't know them.

"Who says I don't know them?" I asked, turning towards her. She raised her gaze and took all the sheets that were on the couch. I just watched her look at the answered sheets in pink ink. "I already told you, Minji," I looked at her. "I'm smarter than you think."

"Smart?" She laughed.

"Yes, I am," I smiled proudly.

"I don't think so," she rolled her eyes before returning to the guide.

"You just don't understand, Minji," I laughed. "I prove it to you constantly." I moved the sheets from the couch to the coffee table. "And I'm so smart..." I trailed off. "...that I've realized something," I said, and she only smiled and turned her gaze towards me.

"What?" she asked playfully.

"That you're enchanted by me," I said, getting on my knees on the couch and closing the short distance between us. "That I drive you crazy," her face remained neutral, no smile, no furrowed brow, nothing. "That deep down beneath that 'rudeness' you show, there are feelings," I emphasized the last word.

"Oh really?" she asked sarcastically. "What makes you think that?" she put her hands behind her neck.

"What makes me think that?" I smiled and took her by the shoulders.

"You," I sat on her lap, placing my legs on either side of hers. She withdrew her hands and placed them on my waist to push me away, but with a movement she made, we ended up lying on the couch, or rather, I ended up lying with her on top of me. "Your reactions make me think that," I said, forming a chain with my arms around her neck, preventing her from moving away. "You like me, Minji," I dared to assert.

Her gaze shifted from my lips to my eyes; I wished I knew what was going through her mind. Maybe I had hit the mark; maybe she did like me. There were scarce centimeters separating us; I could feel her warm breath mixing with mine. With her left arm supporting her weight, she raised her right hand and delicately brushed a strand of hair that was on my forehead, tucking it behind my ear. She left her hand on my neck and slowly closed the distance between us, uniting our lips in the most perfect way possible. For the first time, she kissed me tenderly. Her lips brushed so sweetly against mine; it was completely incredible, so different from previous kisses. They had all been fantastic, and clearly, this one was no exception. "Fantastic?" She began to intensify the kiss, moving down to my neck; instinctively, my eyes closed, enjoying the pleasure that Minji was causing me.

Feeling her moist tongue brushing my skin produced inexplicable things inside me, something I had never felt before, and to be honest, I loved it.

"So you think I like you?" her right hand, which had been on my neck, moved to my leg, where she began to deliver tantalizing caresses. I made a throaty sound as if saying "Yes." "That these 'encounters'"—she pressed her lips to my skin, making me unconsciously let out a moan—"are because I'm 'in love'?" she mocked with the last word.

"I never said that," I said dazed, and her hand on my leg began to slide until it reached my backside. "But now that you mention it..." I bit her lower lip. "Maybe you are—"

She released a bitter laugh without stopping kissing and touching me. "I think you're mistaken," she lowered back to my neck, then returned, leaving a trail of kisses along my jawline.

"Maybe," she whispered in my ear. "Maybe I just want to sleep with you." She played with my earlobe. This time, I laughed. "Maybe it's that the more I reject you, the more you desire me." Okay, this woman was turning the tables on me. She shouldn't be playing with me. "But no, I actually detest you," she said, her hands now on my collarbone, making abstract figures with her fingertips.

"Then you've just ruled out all my options," I smiled without opening my eyes. "So, it's just about sex."

"Maybe," she said with a mischievous smile.

"I don't think so," I replied confidently, locking our gazes.

"Oh no?" she asked rhetorically.


"And why not?" She returned to my neck, trying to confuse me again. And hats off to this girl! She was succeeding.

"Because that's not who you are," I affirmed, and she withdrew her face from my neck to look me in the eyes.

"You don't know anything about me," she said seriously.

"You're wrong, dear," I gently stroked her cheek. "Don't think you're the only one who can judge without knowing." I smiled victoriously.

"So you don't think that's the case?" She abruptly separated my legs, positioning herself between them.

"What are you going to do?" I made a terrified face. "Rape me?" I asked and burst out laughing.

"It's not called rape if you want it."

"What are you trying to say, Kim?" I raised my left eyebrow. "That Kang Haerin wants to sleep with you? Ha!" I started laughing. "Please," I said sarcastically. "If I wanted to sleep with you"—I changed my tone to a colder one—"I would have done it a long time ago." I caught her lower lip, initiating a sensual kiss, and just when she started to reciprocate, I moved my face away.

"I detest you," she said with disgust.

"I detest you more," I again approached her lips, and this time she moved away and stood up. "See?" I quickly stood up as well and hugged her from behind. "You're so tender," I burst out laughing, noticing she wanted to laugh too. "Look," I said, encircling her, "Let's get along." I stood in front of her.

"What part of 'I'm not interested in getting along with you' don't you understand?" she said irritably.

"I understand the phrase," I smiled. "But I know you don't mean it." I moved my index finger around her nose as if trying to make her laugh. "And I know deep, deep down," I stood on tiptoes, "You want to 'get along' with me."

"Look how much I'm laughing," she said sarcastically.

"Oh come on, Minji," I pouted, feigning sadness. "I even bought boots in your style." I looked down at the unglamorous black boots.

"But I'm not as superficial as you," she emphasized.

"Well then, why don't you let me get to know you and try to get to know me?" I grinned from ear to ear.

"I already told you..."

"I'm not interested in living with you," I interrupted, finishing the sentence she would probably say.

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