Just for one night.

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 My hands climbed up her chest until they reached her nape, where they remained still, truly surprising me. her hands, on the contrary, delivered powerful caresses both on my neck and on the lower part of my back. Our lips merged, sharing with me the exquisite taste of chocolate I had tried before, but undoubtedly, this was better than what I had taken from the corner of her lips. her way of kissing was so intense, stealing my breath completely, to the point that my chest expanded and contracted rapidly, trying to regain the lost oxygen between kisses.

Her tongue abruptly entered my mouth, something that I sincerely found fascinating. her hands began to roam all over my body shamelessly, I admit, I loved it.

I was squeezed between her arms. God! I wanted to scream to release all the ecstasy that was building up inside me. Finally, I reacted. she was kissing me! she had stopped to kiss me!

"You're so stubborn," she whispered between kisses as she moved down my cheek toward my neck.

"And you're so headstrong..." I tilted my head back, giving him better access to her kisses and light bites. "Why don't you admit that you're enchanted by me?" I straightened my head, and it returned to my lips. she advanced slowly, and consequently, I retreated until there was no escape. I was trapped by her body and the bar. her hands wandered over my back, waist, hips, buttocks... Not the slightest breeze passed between us. "Admit it, Minji," I said in a sigh as she returned to my neck.

"I'm enchanted by you..." her hand started slipping under my dress, "...Just for one night." My internal temperature of forty degrees practically dropped to minus ten. I was an idiot.

"You're an idiot, Minji." I pushed her away strongly, and she looked at me amused.

"Not an idiot," she smiled, "Just honest."

"Please, Minji, honesty is the least you have," I rolled my eyes before turning away to leave the kitchen.

"A few seconds ago, you were dying to kiss me, and now I'm an idiot?" She walked after me.

"Yes, an idiot in every sense." I affirmed, taking my bag from one of the armchairs in the living room. "You have to ruin everything with your 'I'm the toughest in the universe' attitude," I said, annoyed.

"And you always have to ruin everything with your 'I'm the most beautiful in the world, love me or die' attitude," she said, grabbing my arm and forcing me to look at her.

"Please, Minji," I said ironically, "When have I told you that?" I suppressed all my urges to shout at her, only because of Sihyun and Jongin.

"All the time!" she stretched out, raising her hands. "You're only thinking about yourself, about what benefits you, just thinking about which stupid pink dress you'll wear tomorrow." Her gaze pierced mine. "Just because you're 'pretty' doesn't mean you can get everything you want." She was now as agitated as I was, if not more.

"Shut up, Minji!" I said, flushed with anger. "You don't know anything about me, and even less about what I think, so..."

"Of course, I do know!" she affirmed with a bitter, cold laugh. "Just as you claim to know a lot about the 'real Minji,'" she made quotation marks with her fingers, "I can also know a lot about a person just by looking at them," she let go of my arm abruptly before turning around.

"Let's hear it then..." I challenged her. "I want to hear what you think you know about me..."

"I know that..."

"Min! You're here!" Little Sihyun interrupted our 'little' discussion. "Haerin helped us make a cake," she said excitedly. "Do you want to see it?" she asked as she was lifted into her sister's arms.

"I don't just want to see it," she replied seriously as she walked towards the kitchen. Without saying a word, I turned around and walked towards the door.

POV Minji.

The front door closed. She had left.

"What happened to the cake?" Sihyun asked, forming an "o" with her lips.

"I-I was hungry, sweetheart," I confessed.

"Min!" she elongated, laughing. "Haerin!" she shouted, turning towards the kitchen entrance, hoping that she would come through the door. "Haerin, Min ate the cake," she wriggled in my arms to be let down.

She left the kitchen, and I took another piece "Why did she leave?" she asked sadly, re-entering the kitchen "She said she would stay for dinner with us." She climbed onto one of the stools, crossed her arms, and leaned on the counter. Did she like her that much?

"Hello, Min..." Jongin greeted, entering the kitchen. "And Haerin?


POV Haerin.

"Where have you been all day?" Since when did she care?

"I don't think it concerns you, and I don't feel like being ignored as soon as I start talking," I said curtly, continuing to walk towards the stairs.

"Kang Haerin , come here right now," she ordered, and without a doubt, I ignored her "Don't you have a phone? Can't you spare three minutes of your time to let me know where you'll be? I was worried," a lie. She probably just realized I wasn't home all day.

"I do have a phone, but if yours wasn't busy all day, if your office could pass on my calls, if you had time to answer it... I would.," I stopped to clarify things "And don't tell me you were worried... if you really were, you wouldn't be wearing that party dress."

"I had an important dinner."

"Don't waste your time explaining to me; I don't care," anyone would think I'm the worst, but she couldn't care less. I've said before what I would give for her to scold me or punish me once in a while, but she doesn't even spare me a little attention.

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