What if (prologue)

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What if?
What if this is it, that this is the rest of my life, sorrow and pain.
What if?
What if this isn't what I want, what if I don't want to be here?
What if?
What if this is the beginning of another battle, the battle for the urge to live.
What if?
What if there is no chance of me ever feeling truly safe.
What if?
What if The Real Peeta isn't coming back?
What if?
What if I'm on my own forever?
What if?
What if it's my choice whether I want to do this or not
What if?
What if I decide not to?
What if?
What if Peeta loves me?
What if?
What if this is my mistake?
What if I'm the one who has to pay the price?
What if this isn't a choice?

What if?- A Mockingjay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now