Chapter 85

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What if?

What if I was wrong, about our world changing for the better? What if these people know exactly what they're doing but just don't care? But what if they don't understand that what they're doing is completely invasive and wrong? What if I'm being a bit blind here after all the truth of their actions is crystal clear?

What if? What if? What if...


That newspaper was only the beginning. The next few articles brought even more pictures not only from the games and quell but from the past few weeks also. The most recent pictures anger me, makes me feel invaded and snatched of my privacy. The pictures from the games, they flood my mind with a familiar feeling. I feel as if I am being drawn back to that very moment in which the picture captured that memory and that the whole moment is replaying once more. Sometimes the title on a paper can be entertaining rather than offensive. The couple of days that followed the first paper weren't too bad,everyday we would come home with about 3 newspapers to see what each said about us. It was about the third day when we pieces together what was said in each paper to see what they were really talking about, what was the main thing that pulled us back into the public eye. And it was pretty clear to us then that it was because they saw us with Sophie.

Of course nobody we don't know knows about the whole situation with Sophie so obviously the first thing they all assumed was that Sophie was our child that I was supposedly pregnant with during the quell. At first I found this funny, laughed in fact at the idea but then I realised that in their eyes with the little information they have from the last few years it all matches up. There was a lot of lies, inside sources that don't exist and facts that are lies. There was an article saying that my 'daughter' was hidden in district 13 until the end of the rebellion. Of course the articles were mostly entertaining to Peeta and I for the first 3 days until things began to get out of hand. And by out of hand I mean invasive to a whole other level.

They gathered outside victors village, we couldn't even leave the house without getting our picture taken. Things started to get ridiculously inconvenient, we couldn't step outside but instead had to hide indoors. All the curtains closed, windows hut, doors locked. I felt myself get cabin fever as the day went on, itching to get out. To run to the woods and breath in the fresh autumn air. I want to feel free again. Right I feel caged, invaded,locked away from the world in this house. Everyone I getting irritated at this stage, whilst I pace down the hall I've seen the effect if everyone else. Peeta has spent a lot of time on the phone, lecturing Gracie on how to handle the bakery finances and talking to Haymitch and Effie who are also unable to leave the village. Sophie on the other hand has become miserable, sitting on the couch with her bear for hours everyday. I have missed my doctors appointment to get my shoulder and stitches checked. Our whole life has been thrown by this.

It's the forth day in when I actually see how bad things have gotten. I look out the office window, peeking out the curtain to see them gathered with their camera's outside the closed gate. It the first day I've seen the gates closed since...Since the day I first moved in here. After that I leave the office I sit in the living room beside Sophie, Peeta stands by the window whilst talking into the phone. I pick up parts of his conversation knowing immediately its Gracie. I hear him say

"They're not going anywhere Gracie. They haven't moved for the last 3 days."

He pauses before continuing

"Yes, I know its been nearly a week but there's nothing I can do..... Okay bye"

He sits down on the other couch, placing his face in his hands. I look away, drawing my attention to Sophie who cuddles into me, her bear in her arms. She says quietly, in a babyish muttering voice

What if?- A Mockingjay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now