Chapter 3

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Katniss POV

What if?

What if this is what death is like? An endless road of darkness that leads to nowhere. What if at this very moment I am dead? What if I have finally succeeded in starving myself to get to Prim? What if that was all a waste? What if this won't get me to Prim? What if nothing ever will bring me to her? What if I really am dead? My question Is now answered as I see a light slowly puling me back to the nightmare that is the reality of my life...

What if? What if? What if?

By the time I wake up again it is dark. I get up in the darkness and find my way across the room to turn on a lamp. I find the projector remote beneath the fleece thrown over my body. I turn the projector on to see the news. Usually it's updates on President Paylor. As soon as I turn it on I see Caesar Flickerman, his hair dyed a candy floss pink along with a blue suit. He looked a bit like a sweet they used to sell at district twelve's sweet shop. He gives that flashy white smile while discussing something I can't hear. I turn up the volume to catch the end of his report and find me seeing a picture of Peeta and me while he says

"One question is what is going on in these two star-crossed lovers lives? But I think The BIGGEST question is, are they still star-crossed lovers? I'm your host Caesar..."

I shut down the projector before I can hear anymore. I throw the remote across the room in frustration. Will I ever have a private life? After leading a rebellion, being in the games, twice......Probably not likely. Guess the odds will continue to NOT be in my favour.... I turn on all the other lights down the hall as I make my way into the kitchen. I turn on the light and look at the clock on the wall. Nine O'clock. I must have slept through the day. I'm surprised I didn't wake to nightmares. The exhaustion must have knocked me out into a cold dreamless sleep. I notice something on the table. As I walk closer I see a plate. On it lays potatoes, peas, carrots and beef. I see a piece of paper beside the plate which I immediately pick up. On the inside the scribbled handwriting I know belongs to Haymitch. It take me a minute but I eventually make out the letter:

This is your dinner, eat it please. It's from the boy by the way.

I hear only the rain falling hard on the house outside in the silence as I stare at the words for a moment. He means Peeta. I bite my lip. I can't help but question why he still does things like this. Why is he still playing the game? I sigh before grabbing the plate along with the note and empting the food into the trash along with the note. I know if Prim was here she would make me eat. Probably more to the reason I'm not eating. Hoping that fasting will bring her back. But it won't. I then feel the need for comfort, that ache of loneliness. I feel tears in my eyes at the thought of my duck. I find myself pulling open the kitchen drawer searching desperately for my pearl. I find the drawer empty. I instantly panic.

"Where is it?!"

I ask myself moving my hand through the empty drawer. I go franticly to open another drawer when I hear something that makes me stop what I'm doing. I listen carefully. Over the noise of the rain pattering on the windows I hear a cry. I'm almost sure of it. I stand up and slowly follow the sound wrapping my cardigan tightly around me almost in fear of where this sound is about to lead me. I find myself eventually standing at the door. The crying seems to be coming from the other side. My trembling hand quickly finds its way to the handle which is almost cold to my touch. I take a deep breath before pushing down on the handle. I open the door to find on my doorstep a small carrier holding

A Baby
Hey guys! Well what do u think? Was that literally a bomb of shock? Ha ha ha...... Yeah I'm not very funny. Lol. Anyway comment and vote if u liked it and the next chapter will be up soon!
Em is out

What if?- A Mockingjay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now