Chapter 90

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What if?

What if today is going to be perfect? What if everyday will carry on like this, stress free and happy? What if there will come the day when I no longer need to ask what if? What if there will finally be a day where I have no fears, no doubts, no need to ask What if?

What if? What if? What if...


It's 8 O'Clock when Sophie starts squealing, banging her hands against the cot

"Christmas! Christmas! Mummy, Daddy it Christmas!"

As soon as I lift her out of her cot she is jumping on Peeta who hasn't moved from the bed, but placed a pillow over his face. She whines

"Daddy daddy come onnnnn!!"

I hear him mumble a few moments later

"Alright alright"

She squeals again, coming over and grabbing my hand. I tell her

"Go brush your teeth first"

Within seconds she has ran into the bathroom. I make my way across the room and open the curtains, greeted by strong sunlight. Behind me I hear Peeta moan. I turn to him to see him now sitting up, his hair sprawled all over the place as he rubs his eyes. He then squints at me as I laugh


He asks. I come sit beside him and say

"Looks like someone's got a bedhead"

He tries to fix it before looking to me for approval. I shake my head and begin to run my fingers through his hair until I'm satisfied. Messy but in a cute way. He asks me with a grin


I plant a quick kiss on his lips before replying


And within that second Sophie is out of the bathroom and pulling us out into the hall. We meet Annie in the hall, Finn pulling her downstairs also. She gives me a sleepy nod which I return. Honestly though I am not that tired. Something is giving me a buzz of energy, maybe the drive of making this Christmas the best makes me feel almost energetic with excitement. We make our way downstairs to the Christmas tree and before Annie, Peeta and I can even sit down the kids are already opening their presents. Finn is tearing the wrapping eagerly and Sophie is quickly but carefully taking off the wrapping. Half an hour later all their toys are opened. Sophie is on the floor, playing with her new doll and Finn is running around with a new toy car. Annie asks

"Will we open our presents?"

Peeta replies


First Peeta and I give Annie her present. I hand her the box, which for a minute she examines. Her smile clearly shows she's trying to guess what it is, she passes the thin box between her hands before she begins to take off the wrapping. As soon as she opens the box and sees its contents she gasps, slowly pulling out the necklace. She says looking at us now with a huge smile

"I love it, it's beautiful"

She puts it down before coming over and gives us a hug in thanks. She then hands us our gift. It's a picture from the last time we were here, the three of us along with the kids on the beach. It's a beautiful picture, Annie laughing and watching as Finn and Sophie make funny faces and Peeta and I looking at the camera. We thank her gratefully and place it aside. I make a mental note to get a good box for it to bring it back home so it doesn't crack. Annie decides to go make hot drinks and check on the kids after this and before leaving the room she says

What if?- A Mockingjay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now