Chapter 64

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What if?

What if this is it? What if this is just another happy Christmas I am not going to accept? What if I need to start accepting happiness rather than questioning it? What if I need to realise that life doesn't go on for infinity? What if I need to start living life the way it is?

What if? What if? What if...

"Let's go! They're outside!"

I shout up the stairs to Peeta who comes down the stairs minutes later with a bag in his good hand. Sophie runs soon after him, her teddy clutched tightly in her hand, her bag on her back as she comes and holds my hand. I pull the suitcase with my freehand out onto the porch and turn to Peeta asking him

"Do you have everything?"


He replies. I nod and take the bag from his hand. He then takes Sophie's hand and leads her down to the car. I lift the bags around the side and to the boot before hauling them into it. I then run back up the steps to the house and lock the door before pulling the keys out of the lock and into my pocket. I then slowly make my way down the steps, once again being aware of the ice. I sit into the back seat beside Sophie. Peeta sits to the left of her, me on the right and Haymitch and Effie in the front sides. As soon as I'm buckled in Haymitch starts the engine and begins to drive out of the village. Effie turns around to us and says hi. She begins to talk to Sophie about tomorrow considering today is Christmas Eve. After a while of talking to Sophie she asks me

"You two excited for the trip?"

I nod with a grin as Peeta speaks

"It will be nice to get away to 7 for a while. So much has happened in the last few months I think we could all use a break"

Effie nods, glancing at Haymitch who doesn't take his eyes off the road but grins.We have all been very excited for this trip. Only a few days ago did we even decide to go. We were talking about going somewhere for Christmas this year but also wanted to spend Christmas with Haymitch and Effie like we've done for the past few years. That's when we decided to rent a cabin for a week in district 7, knowing their Christmas weather is beautiful. Not too much snow but enough to create a winter wonderland. So we rented out a cabin in district 7. And that's when we found out that Annie spends Christmas with Johanna every year considering she only has Finn and her and Johanna are good friends. So when they knew we were all going to be in district 7 at the same time we arranged for them to come to the cabin for Christmas dinner with us. We are all each others family, all we have left. We created a happiness for ourselves amongst each other, we are all family maybe not by blood but by heart. The games were the only thing that linked us together before but now we are spending Christmas with each other by choice.

The wind shield wipers wipe away snowflakes as they fall not rapidly but almost dance through the air. When we reach the train station the time flies by before reaching District 7. From there we got a car to the cabin. Luckily the icy conditions here aren't as dangerous and treacherous as they were in twelve so driving isn't really that dangerous. It's not snowing but a sheet of snow is still laid on the ground as we pull up to the cabin at late afternoon. That's when I see it. The huge cabin which looks amazing. As we get out of the car you can easily hear the faint crunching of snow and sticks beneath our feet. We're in the woods after all. Everyone is shocked at the lovely cabin.

I grab our bags for the boot as we all make our way up the steps

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I grab our bags for the boot as we all make our way up the steps. When we enter is when we see even more of the amazing cabin.

 When we enter is when we see even more of the amazing cabin

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The living room is huge. A roaring fireplace with couches sitting before it and a huge window with double doors. I put the bags aside and walk over to the double doors. Sophie sits on the couch with her teddy whilst Haymitch and Effie look around at some paintings hung on the wall. When I reach the doors I push them open to be greeted by a cool breeze. My eyes begin to water by the sudden attack of cold air but I walk on despite that. I then find myself mesmerised by the sit before me. I stand on the porch that overlooks a small cliff looking down on a woods. Then in front of me is beautiful mountains coated with snow. I let out a sigh. A sigh of relief, a sigh of happiness and a sigh of shock of the beauty before me. These were the landscapes you would only see on TV. Suddenly I hear steps come across the porch and soon enough Peeta is at my side. His coat is half on, the other side just slung over his hurt shoulder to cover the sling. He looks peacefully out at the mountains, his blue eyes sparkling with what looks like happiness, excitement or joy.


Is all he manages to say as one hand of his rests on the wooden rail. I nod. There are no words that could fully describe the beauty of the sight before us. Peeta turns to me and I turn to him, knowing by the look on his face he has something to say. He smirks for a moment and looks at his feet whilst saying

"If I had two working hands right now I would grab your face and kiss you"

His eyes raise to meet mine on his final word, the blue sparking look in them once again. I grin and as I place a hand gently on the side of his neck I tell him

"All you had to do was ask"

And then I place my other hand on the opposite side of his neck and kiss him on the mouth. Despite it being cold on the porch I am suddenly flooded with energy and warmth. A energy only his touch, his love can supply me with. His one free hand sits on my back, gently pulling me closer toward him. My whole body is overwhelmed with this electrifying energy as his lips do not move from mine. I love this feeling only he can give me. I love him, more than I ever thought I could love someone I'm not related too. This moment I know for a fact I will always remember. These kind of moments are the moments that matter in one's life. These moments are what we live for. These are the moments that show how powerful love can be. How powerful our love will always be. Always...


(WORD COUNT- 1190)

What if?- A Mockingjay StoryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu