Chapter 65

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What if?

What if we had had Christmas Day as children? What if I had been able to celebrate Christmas with Prim? But what if in some ways I am? What if she is looking upon me, with my father at her side? What if they are both here with me? I wonder what they think of me now, of my choices. What if they had gotten to meet Sophie? What if someday I will be up with them, celebrating Christmas by their side? What if for now I should be happy spending Christmas with my living loved ones? What if I should take life one step at a time rather than looking at the future?

What if? What if? What if...


I carry Sophie down the stairs in my arms, her face sleepily nuzzled into the shoulder of my nightgown. Behind me follows Peeta, Haymitch and Effie. Our feet make loud creaking noises as we walk down the wooden stairs of the cabin. As I pass by the window I look out at the sun arising behind the mountains, revealing the woods as a winter wonderland once more. When we get downstairs we enter the living room slowly. The Christmas tree lights sparkle brightly, like a thousand stars captured and placed in the house. Under the tree lies mountains of presents of various sizes. I shake Sophie softly as everyone awaits her reaction. She raises her head sleepily from my shoulder and we all watch with a smile as excitement spreads across her face. She pushes gently out of my arms and runs to her presents. We all sit on the couch and watch as she tears the wrapping paper off her presents not eagerly but gently, folding it as if it was to be reserved or reused.

Her main present is a wooden rocking horse which she loves. The moment she saw it you could see the shock and excitement spread across her face as her small fingers stroked the wooden mane. She then sat on it and with her teddy in one hand rocked herself back and forth, her smile growing bigger with every motion. She also got a few new outfits which she wasn't very interested in and got a box of art supplies from Haymitch and Effie. She is very pleased with this as she spends a lot of time in the art room at home with Peeta, taking an interest towards his professions rather than mine. But to be honest I'd rather her not be hunting at such a young age or at all for no need. Whilst Sophie is playing after opening her presents Effie says to us

"Annie and Johanna are calling at 1 O'Clock right? Will we wait until then before gifts?"

I turn to Peeta and he nods of approval so I turn to Effie and Haymitch and do the same. After a while I change Sophie into her outfit before once again leaving her to play. Her outfit I have to say is adorable. I plaited her hair into two braids as she asked me to, once again referring to Peeta's stories. Her dress is red and sparkly, a matching headband to go with it along with red shoes and white tights which her mother sent a few weeks ago along with a Christmas card, no letter surprisingly considering she hasn't sent one since Sophie's birthday.

 Her dress is red and sparkly, a matching headband to go with it along with red shoes and white tights which her mother sent a few weeks ago along with a Christmas card, no letter surprisingly considering she hasn't sent one since Sophie's birthday

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Once she is ready I go to get myself prepared for the busy day ahead.When I get back to the bedroom I find Peeta in there topless as he begins to put on his shirt. I try my best not to stare,making my way over to my suitcase and begin fumbling around for my dress. Peeta luckily didn't notice this second of staring and asked as I was looking inside the suitcase

What if?- A Mockingjay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now