Chapter 55

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What if?

What if last night never happened? What if it was too good to be true? What if it was just the champagne messing with my head? What if it didn't happen? What if I should just accept in the eyes of panem I will never be just a girl? But what if I should be glad and grateful for what I have? What if I shouldn't take the happiness of yesterday for granted?

What if? What if? What if...
I wake up and moan as I am greeted with a pounding headache. I sit up in the bed and fumble my hand around in my bedside locker until I find painkillers. I pop two in my mouth along with a swash of water. I then slam my head into my pillow and moan loudly. I hear a footsteps outside the door and moments later he walks in. He says softly, sitting on the edge of the bed beside me and his hand rubbing my arm

"Hey. How do you feel?"

I mumble into the pillow


He laughs slightly. I then sit up and ask whilst rubbing my eyes

"How drunk did we get last night?"

He shakes his head and says

"Not at all drunk. We had a glass of champagne but turned out it was Capitol champagne"

I nod despite the pain in my temple and say


Peeta says

"And the Capitol spice up their champagne a lot more than we do, they put in this stuff, it's some liquid that makes you feel very energetic as you drink it but terrible the next day"

I moan even louder, shoving my head back into the pillow trying to bury my embarrassment. He says to me

"Everyone is feeling terrible today"

He asks

"Is there anything I can do to help you?"

I reply

"Not if you just as bad"

He laughs and says

"Everyone is just as bad"

I shrug my shoulders and say

"I feel like I could be sick and at the same time I have a pounding headache"

He says to me

"It will pass. Have you taken painkillers?"

I nod and he tells me


He kisses me on the forehead before standing up and when just at the door he turns back and says

"Take a bath if you want because no offence but you smell like seaweed"

I roll my eyes, shake my head and dive back under the covers. All of a sudden I feel his arms slip under my legs and pull me out of bed. I laugh historically and tell him as I slap him playfully in the chest

What if?- A Mockingjay StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora