Chapter 58

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What if?

What if life will always go on? What if the drama of everything that happened in the past few months will ease away slowly? What if I will succeed in keeping what happened on that train a secret? What if I can just move on and this will not effect me again. But what if the vote turns out as a yes?

What if? What if? What if....


It's been months since the wedding, everything is finally back to normal. Christmas is only a month away, the winter is only weeks away. Luckily Peeta never found out about what happened on the train, part of me wonders why I have been so eager to keep this from him. I guess I don't know if he would accept the truth, it's Gale after all. A month ago, in September I got a call from Gale. He told me that the vote took place and turned out to be in favour of no games which gave me huge relief. I knew there and then that Paylor was most likely the person who convinced everyone against it. She has always been the voice of reason for all of Panem, since the rebellion people have always turned to her which is why she was voted President. She would never follow the violent ways that Snow did. Hopefully no president in the years to come will follow his ways...


I'm cleaning the house on a sunny autumn by myself whilst Peeta is at work, Sophie with him. After a while I come across the photographs of Sophie at the wedding and at Annie's. I sit on the edge of her bed and smile as I look at each one. Each one preserves a memory, a part of her life. I know someday these will become useful for when she's gone to her mother. So she can look back at the time she has had with Peeta and I. Just over 2 years has she been with me, a year with Peeta and I know I will always look back on my time with her with happiness. As I hold the photographs in my hands a thought comes to mind. I get up and with the photos still in hand make my way into the office. It has been cleaned and no longer smells of blood and roses so I feel more comfortable entering here. I still feel his presence linger when I'm in here, his snake eyes flashing before me. I place the photos on the desk as I look inside the mahogany drawers across the room. Soon enough I pull out one of the empty books at the back of one of the drawers. I rub the dust off with the palm of my hand and cough as the dust particles dance in the air around me. I then open it and flick through it to find only empty pages. I bring it over and place it on the desk before sitting down. I then pull stationery from the drawer in the desk and begin to work.

Hours later I am finished and I have to admit I'm quite satisfied. I hear the front door open just after I'm finished and just as I have put the book aside Sophie rushes into the room and jumps into my arms laughing. I say whilst giving her a tight squeeze

"Looks like someone definitely has had a lot of sugar today"

She laughs and says almost out of breath

"Daddy brought food from a restaurant for dinner "

Her pronunciation of restaurant is very poor but I still just about make out what she's saying. I lift her into my arms and bring her in to the kitchen where Peeta is laying out the dinner. I smile and plant a kiss on his cheek in greeting before we all sit down for dinner. Sophie doesn't eat much after the amount she had at the bakery and within minutes is away from the table and playing with her teddy on the living room carpet. Peeta tells me about his day at the bakery, how he met Gracie's boyfriend today. He said that Gracie hopes I could meet him soon. Gracie and I have become very good friends lately, she is very honest and kind to me and doesn't see me for what I was during the rebellion like many people but instead sees me for me. I respect all people who can see past what I was for what I am now. He also tells me how Sophie was practicing piping today, he says she has a very good steady grip of the piping bag which will hopefully come in handy once she begins to write. As we finish the meal he asks me what I did all day and I tell him in response

"Just cleaning mostly and I made something.."

He tilts his head in question as he places the empty plates in the dishwasher. So I head to the office and bring the book in to show him. He flicks through the pages full of pictures and small notes, with each word read I see his smile grow bigger. The book obviously isn't full but when he reaches the final full page he seals it and says

"It's beautiful. I think it's a great idea"

I nod and say

"I thought it would be nice for when she's gone home that she has something to help her hold on to the memories, and for her mother to see how she spends her time with us"

He tells me

"It's not full yet"

I nod and tell him looking into his deep, deep blue eyes that make me feel like I'm falling for infinity

"Well there's still two years to go and besides I was hoping you would decorate some pages too"

He places his hand in mine and says with a grin

"I'd love that"

I smile back and for a moment we kiss. I wouldn't have pulled away only for Sophie saying a few seconds later on entering the room

"Ewwww! Yucky!"

Peeta and I both pull back laughing as Sophie covers her eyes. Peeta gets up and picks Sophie up into his arms causing her to laugh hysterically. We then all make our way into the living room and sit down on the couch. Sophie sits on my lap as Peeta turns on the news channel as we do every evening to see if there is anything going on in the rest of the districts. The first headlines pop up on the screen as a man speaks in the background

"Today's breaking news I think will come a shock to us all. A source from district 5 had told us a month ago the district leaders apparently held a vote for a symbolic hunger games As before the death of Alma Coin the symbolic hunger games was considered. The vote obviously went against this but people are still quite angered this wasn't voiced to the public and offered a vote. We will keep you updated on further details of this event. I'm Bailey Banks and this was Panem Breaking News"

I feel my heart pick up pace rapidly, my head flood with emotions. But then it's as if my entire system stops when Peeta says in an almost dead yet hurt tone

"I know you knew about this"

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