Chapter 73

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What if?
What if Peeta still doesn't trust Gale? What if though it may seem like everything is okay now it's not? What if I shouldn't fully trust Gale yet? What if I should still be careful around him? What if he is just trying to gain my trust before he repeats his actions of before?
What if? What it? What if...
This is the only thing I can think about as I rock Hailey in my arms, her eyes becoming droopy as she begins to fall asleep. Her eyes soon come to a close, a peaceful look spreading across her face as mine floods with relief of her finally falling asleep. I remember how much I struggled to adapt to having Sophie, trying to manage her but also manage myself. I can't possibly imagine what Effie must be feeling, with triplets that problem is 3 times worse. I can't exactly complain. I place Hailey in her crib as Effie passes Maysilee to me. I am off work today as I offered to help Haymitch and Effie with the triplets. I can already see how much they appreciate the help. Sophie went to the bakery with Peeta this morning, after much protest on staying home and insisting on going Peeta and I gave in. Effie sits on the couch beside me, rocking Joe in her arms, bouncing him up and down as she hums. After a while she tells me

"Thanks so much for helping today Katniss, we really appreciate it"

I tell her

"No problem. You two are always there when I need someone to care for Sophie so its only right for me to return the favour"

She smiles, her eyes watching Joe as she speaks. I glance at Maysilee, who's head rests on my shoulder and big brown eyes watch my every movement. She's a curious one, I can tell by the way she examines her surroundings. After a small amount of time Effie asks me

"Do you and Peeta ever plan on having kids? After Sophie's gone?"

I think hard before I answer. I don't want to be honest, even with Peeta I haven't been fully honest on the fact that I don't want kids. It would break his heart and there is no way I could do that to him. If I told anyone they would almost be guaranteed to tell Peeta. So I lie

"I don't know, our main focus right now is Sophie. Appreciate the last year we have with her"

She nods and says

"She really made a difference in all our lives didn't she?"

I nod. Her impact on my life was huge. I was deep in depression before she came, ignoring Peeta and the world around me. I had caged myself from reality, I was completely shattered in the aftermath of the rebellion and torn between war and love. She made me have to become happy, alive again. And in becoming alive again I became more social and lively. Then I met Peeta and the tables were flipped, as if the hijacking was almost reversed and he was home. He returned to me. He loved me again. Then I felt myself falling down a familiar path. I fell in love with Peeta also coming to the realisation that this was how I felt all along. It was like I was sleep walking then finally awoke to this strong feeling for him. That I needed him to stay, always. That I loved him, that I will always love him with every breath I take, every move I make and with every thing I do in my life. She brought us together in reviving me to my happier self. She totally changed my life. I will never forget that. I tell Effie

"I'll definitely miss her when she 's gone... But hopefully we'll see her again. Its weird to think a year from now she won't be with us anymore"

Effie nods, then there is a long pause before she speaks again, her voice in a lower tone than before

"Do you sometimes wonder who her mother is?"

I nod and say

"All the time. A constant question I'm dying to get the answer to. But the more I think about the more insane I get about it so I usually let it slip from my mind"

What if?- A Mockingjay StoryOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara