Chapter 9 Edward

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I felt like a piece of me had fallen out. Giovanni had been a good friend and an excellent assassin. Now that he was gone I knew we had lost a part of the brotherhood. However, as I fought to protect Ezio I realized that we might have gained what we had lost.

I stopped when I realized that the guards were gone. I looked around, I was surrounded by bodies. I looked away. So that's why they stopped attacking me. I sheathed my swords and lifted Ezio while contacting Arno. Where are you?

Uh... Arno sent me a picture of a rundown warehouse. Here. Do you know the place?

Mostly, I said. I knew the general area the warehouse was in. I hadn't used it in a while but it couldn't be hard to find.

I moved as quickly as I could with Ezio. It took me much longer than I would have liked to reach the warehouse. If only I could have gone over the rooftops.

The door creaked as I shoved it open with my shoulder. Frederico spun, still holding the sword he had taken from one of the fallen guards, but he relaxed when he saw me.

Guinovhicci ran towards me as I laid Ezio down on a cot. "Is he okay?"

"He will be," I said gently putting a hand on his shoulder. "He just took a rock to the back of the head. It happens to the best of us."

"Edward," Archer melted out of the shadows. He had a disapproving look in his eyes as he said, "You need to meet someone."

"Alright," I stood apprehensively. "Frederico, come get me when Ezio wakes up. I'll be on the roof."

Frederico nodded and sat next to his brothers.

Archer lead me up the stairs we had set up in the back of the warehouse. Arno stood tensely on the roof next to the stairs. He nodded to me as I passed.

"She's over there," Archer nodded to the left.

I glanced quizzically at Arno, who smiled slightly. "She refuses to say anything to us. Said she would only speak with you."

I raised an eyebrow. "I'll see what she has to say." I walked over in the direction Archer had indicated. An assassin stood close to the edge. She wore dark green robes. "I hear you wanted to see me but wouldn't speak with my companions?"

The assassin jumped slightly. "Yes, that's right. You are Edward... correct?"

"Yes. Didn't I just say that?"

The assassin frowned. "Not exactly, but-"

"What do you want?" I didn't want to spend all day trying to get what I wanted out of her.

"I want to join you," she said. "I am Shadiya."

"You want to join us? But you didn't speak to Archer or Arno?"

"No, I want to join you. Not them. But if I must, I will."

"If you don't want to work with other assassins then you came to the wrong place. Arno, Archer, and I have traveled together for a long time. Our group here doesn't count Ezio and Connor."

"So in that case, I would like to join your small... brotherhood," Shadiya looked away. "I'll follow you until you make your choice."

"Edward!" I turned to see Frederico standing at the top of the stairs. "Ezio is awake!"

"Alright!" I called back. I glanced at where Shadiya had been. Nobody was there. I smiled. A skilled assassin. "I'm coming!"

Assassin's Creed: Brothers Unite (#Wattys2016) |Assassin's Creed Fanfiction|Where stories live. Discover now