Chapter 45 Arno

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   Archer and I circled above the rooftops of Venice. We were high in the clouds so that nobody on the ground could see us. Where should we land? I asked Ezio.

   Over there, Ezio pointed, and I had to tip my head to see where he was pointing too. There was a group of warehouses along the ocean. Could you land in the water?

   Of course, Archer and I said. We dove toward the water and landed with a huge splash. Ezio and Altaïr tumbled off my back and into the water. Moleck wasn't any luckier, he flew several feet away before he hit the water.

   Archer was already in human form as I started to change. When I was halfway between, I started to sink but quickly swam back to the top when I was in human form again. Altaïr and Ezio were already out of the water with Archer just climbing out. I started swimming toward the crumbling wall that Archer, Ezio, and Altaïr were sitting on and almost crashed into Moleck as he surfaced right next to me. At first I didn't realize it was Moleck because his hood had fallen down, but he quickly pulled it up again. He grinned at me and splashed water in my direction.

   We reached the wall at about the same time. Ezio was bouncing up and down excitedly. He looked down the street and grinned. "It feels so good to be back home."

   "But you're not home yet," Altaïr said. "I thought your home was Villa."

   "It is, but Venice is a beautiful city."

   "Yes," Moleck said. "But I'm interested to see if Paris has gotten any better."

   "Do you want us to carry you there?" Archer asked. "It's really not that far out of our way, and I want to get our little group back together."

   Moleck shook his head. "Someone's got to stay in Paris to make sure the people don't tear themselves apart. Tanya and I would stay while you and Arno went to London. It'd be faster for you to just go straight there."

   I smiled. "You haven't really changed much Moleck. Always thinking things through more than us."

   Moleck smiled back. "I know. Besides, I have my own ways of getting around quickly." He glanced at Ezio before saying, "I'll see you in Paris. When you come, the city won't be too terrible." He turned and walked into the shadow of a building and disappeared.

   Archer sighed. "He's still as mysterious as ever," he said, shaking his head. "We should go. London awaits!"

   I nodded and turned to Altaïr. "Don't let Ezio do anything too stupid."

   Altaïr smiled and shot a sidelong look at Ezio. "I'm not sure if that's possible but I'll try."

   "It's impossible," Ezio promised. "I'm going to ignore any protests."

   Archer laughed. "As long as you don't die, it's all good." Before anyone could say anything more Archer dove into the water and shot out again as a gray dragon.

   "I suppose I should follow," I said. I glanced back before I followed Archer. "Watch yourself. I have a feeling you're in for some difficulties." I dove into the water and turned into a dragon, launching myself after Archer.

   Several hours later, Archer and I stood next to the carriage that we'd seen an assassin park. We were watching Evie, Jacob, and the other assassin. The other assassin handed the each of them a pistol and jogged off, pointing toward the carriage that we were next to.

   Evie and Jacob ran over and climbed into the carriage, completely oblivious as Archer and I climbed onto the back. Evie grabbed the reins and Jacob pulled out his newly acquired pistol. "We need to lead them away from Green," he said. Evie was about to say something when Jacob fired two shots into the air.

   "Jacob!" Evie said in exasperation as she snapped the horses into a gallop.

   "Here comes trouble!" Jacob hooted.

   I grinned as the carriages surrounded us. Edward was right, Archer was rubbing off a little bit. Jacob is a very interesting person. Evie jerked the reins and we slammed into the carriage at our right, knocking it over and almost knocking Archer and I off. She slammed into the other carriage, which crashed into the side of a building.

   "Well," Jacoob said, grinning. "That was fun!"

   Evie huffed and slowed the horses down a little. "You weren't the one driving." We turned onto a dark alley that I assumed was a shortcut to wherever we were going.

   "I don't know," Archer said. "I thought it was rather fun."

   Evie glanced back quickly before turning back to the cobblestone street. "How long have you two been there?"

   "Since your maniac brother tried to shoot the sky," I said, nudging Jacob's shoulder with my foot.

   "I am not a maniac!" Jacob objected, studying Archer and I carefully.

   "Does Henry know you're here?" Evie asked.

   Archer dropped off the side, and I thought he fell off, until I realized that he was hanging off the side. "Who?"

   "He's the only other assassin here in London that we know about."

   "Oh," Archer frowned. "I'll assume not."

   Evie pulled the carriage to a stop in front of a shore marked, 'Curiosity Shop'. She jumped out and turned to us as we climbed down. "I don't remember your names. Care to remind me?"

   So polite, Archer said in my mind. I tried not to start laughing. "I'm Archer, this is Arno," Archer said. "We said we'd come back."

   "I knew you looked familiar," Jacob said. "Are you coming in?"

   Evie rolled her eyes. "Yes, as a matter of fact," I said shooting her an amused glance. "We would."

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