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I reached the end of the trail. The air is still and I am a hunter. The hunt has led me to the forgotten edges of this world. The seasons pass drawing me deeper into the darkness, where I have found the truth. That my redemption is found in ashes. That I must burn away the past, to make things right.

Once an assassin... now their pursuer. I must destroy those that I once called brother. The air is still, and I am...

A hunter.


It doesn't matter what history remembers me as. I thought a little forlornly. All my family is dead. History may brand me a traiter, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that I had the courage to do what I felt was right. For Archer... my brother...

Memories of the earthquake still haunted my mind... and my sleep. I hadn't gotten a good nights rest in years.

Haytham had taken me to the Templars. Where I had vowed to stop the assassins from finding the Pieces of Eden. They didn't need that power. Nobody needed that power.

I didn't feel any remorse for killing Charles Dorian, an assassin who had been looking for a Piece of Eden. I was disappointed however when I heard that his son, Arno Victor Dorian, didn't join the Templars. He would have made an excellent hunter. But that doesn't matter anymore either.

I am Shay Patrick Cormac. The man who makes his own luck. The man who doesn't care about how people would remember him... The man who's mortal enemies are the assassins.

The man who everyone thinks is crazy.

They might not be wrong about me. I had admitted to myself long ago that I was beyond help.

"This is a bad idea Shay," the man at my side said. "It won't work. We're not lucky enough."

"Yes, we are," I said, looking up at the blue sky. The sea spray sparkled in the sunlight as the Morrigan sailed after the Jackdaw. "I make my own luck."

Assassin's Creed: Brothers Unite (#Wattys2016) |Assassin's Creed Fanfiction|Where stories live. Discover now