Chapter 44 Edward

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   It took much longer than I had expected to get everyone all in the same place. I was dreading when I needed to sail off into the noonday light. I always hated leaving at noon it made for terrible sailing conditions. Hot, sticky, and absolutely miserable. At the same time I knew that I couldn't wait until sunset, James was anxious about the welfare of Nassau and I didn't want him to explode.

   When everyone was finally packed into the living room nobody said anything for a long time. The only noise in the room was the fire crackling and the scrape of swords.

   "So," Ezio said. "This is it huh?"

   "I guess so," James said. He shot a quick glance at Arno and smiled sadly. "I do wish I could go with you mate, but I'm worried about Nassau."

   Arno looked out the window. "I understand. You wouldn't like London anyway, it's too far from the ocean."

   I cleared my throat. "James and I set sail as soon as we can. Arno or Archer, or both of you I suppose, could take Ezio and Altaïr across the ocean. I suppose..." I stared at the assassin that had red robes. I didn't recognize him but he looked a lot like Archer. I didn't know anything about him.

   "Moleck," the red assassin supplied, saving me from an awkward silence. "I'm with Arno and Archer."

   Altaïr's head shot up and he stared at the assassin. "Moleck?"

   The two stared at each other for a moment before Moleck started laughing. "I told Tanya that someone was watching in my head! I'll remember you if I ever need help."

   I was confused but I tried not to think about how they could know each other. "James and I should head to Boston soon."

   Connor sighed. "I wish we could all stay together but that would be a disaster."

   "I will second that," Arno said, shooting a glance at me. "I think we would end up killing each other."

   "So we leave now?" Ezio asked. "Not that I want to leave in a hurry, but I want to see Frederico, Guinovhicci, and Claudia."

   "Now would be as good a time as any," Altaïr admitted. "Though I don't really want to leave either."

   "There's no time like the present," Aveline said. "I would like to do some stuff alone... mostly."

   "Let's go then!" James said impatiently. "We'll take my horse, we'll get to the Jackdaw faster that way."

   Everyone made their way outside. Not surprisingly Archer, Arno, Moleck, Ezio, and Altaïr were the first ones outside. Blade was standing next to Altaïr. She seemed to be listening to him. A moment later she walked away from him and shot away. I suddenly realized that Shadiya was nowhere to be seen. I didn't wonder too closely, I assumed she would find her own way to wherever she was going.

   James was sitting on his horse waiting for me, Archer and Arno were in dragon form, Ezio and Moleck were on Arno's back, Altaïr was talking to Connor, and Aveline was leaning on the porch railing. I walked toward James and stood next to his horse.

   "Well, what are ye waiting for mate?" James asked. "Come up."

   I hesitated before getting up behind James. James was about to nudge his horse forward when I saw Connor jogging over. "Wait a moment man," I said. "Connor's coming."

   Connor stopped next to us. "Archer wanted me to give this to you." He held up a clear bottle. "He said it would heal your arm by the time you got to the Jackdaw. He thought you would be happier if you could control where your ship was sailing."

   I took the bottle and pulled the cork off. I looked at the contents, it looked like water. "How is this going to help me?"

   Connor shrugged. "I don't know, but Archer seems to know what he's doing when he works with healing." He held up the hand that had been wrapped in bandages the last time I'd looked. "He gave me the same stuff yesterday." He spun his wrist around and grinned. "Seemed to work pretty well."

   I quickly drank what was in the bottle. It tasted like salt. I made a face but managed to swallow it. "That is disgusting!"

   Connor smiled and caught the bottle as I threw it to him. "Archer's medicine always tastes nasty. It works better than anything else you'll find though."

   James grinned. "See you Connor. May good winds fill your sails."

   Connor nodded. "You too James, and you as well Edward." He turned and walked back to the porch to stand by Aveline.

   James clicked his tongue and his horse shot forward. It wasn't as smooth as Blade, but it was still much faster than normal. I looked back in time to see two large shapes, one blue and one gray, leap into the sky. I quickly lost sight of them as we shot into the trees and through the gate to Boston. We stopped at the harbor.

   I was relieved to see the dark red sails of the Jackdaw standing high above the rest of the ships in port. I unwrapped my arm from the sling and moved it around. I was surprised when it didn't hurt. It was a little sore, but it was barely even noticeable. I should have him give me that stuff whenever I injure myself. I jogged down the docks to the Jackdaw

   "'ere comes the cap'n!" a familiar voice shouted from the deck.

   "Ahoy Jack!" I called up. "Are you ready to sail?"

   Jack's head appeared over the railing. "Not meanin' any disrespect er nothin', but that be a rather pointless question!"

   I laughed and climbed up the side with James close behind. The crew cheered as I took the wheel, but Jack looked around. "Where's Adé?"

   I sighed and looked out to the ocean. "He's waiting for us."

   Jack sighed. "I see. Well! What are we waitin' fer?!"

   I smiled at him. Jack always seemed to lift my spirits. "Aye," I said. "ALL SAIL! FULL SAIL!" The crew scurried around the deck as they hurried to obey my commands. "Nassau's waiting for us lads!"

   The crew cheered again and went about their duties even faster.

   "It's a little silent Kenway," James said slyly. "Is it always this way?"

   I shot him a look of mock annoyance. "Let's hear Lowlands lads!"

   "Aye, aye cap'n!"

   I had a dream the other night,
   Lowlands, lowlands awa-a-ay!

   I noticed one voice that rose higher than the rest. A familiar green figure sat in the crows nest. I wouldn't have minded except that they were singing the wrong words. Instead of what the crew was singing they sang this:

   I had a dream the other night,
   Lowlands! Lowlands'll weigh me down!

  I sighed in annoyance and hoped that Shadiya would sing the right words eventually.

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