Chapter 9

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Alice and Rosalie were waiting for their parents in the living room when they finally arrived home. Esme engulfed both of them in a hug.

"Everything is going according to plan, Esme," squealed Alice. Esme merely grinned in delight.

"What brought you girls out here?" queried Carlisle, "is everything alright at home?"

"Everything is fine, Carlisle," said Rosalie, "we were just concerned for our baby sister, and wanted to be here for her."

"And because you need to tell her about us Carlisle," interjected Alice, "She already suspects but she needs confirmation. It's the third option she needs to be aware of. We don't want her to think that we are forcing her to become one of us, but it is important for her to understand everything."

Carlisle nodded in assent. "We'll tell her tomorrow then."

"I feel sorry for her – she was so surprised that we want her to join our family," said Rosalie sadly.

"How do you feel about her becoming one of us, Rose?" asked Esme gently.

"She is sick, Esme. I will not hold it against her should she choose to become immortal. She deserves to be a part of a family."

"She won't have children, Esme," stated Alice quietly.

"Can't or won't?"

"Won't. The doctor is right, she isn't going to see this Christmas."


"I can't be sure, but it looks like September or October, or thereabouts. She will choose not to go the transplant route; at least that is her current decision. I can tell you that she was brought out here; I can see you both with her when it happens," Alice paused, uncertain whether she ought to continue.

"Just tell me, Alice," Esme demanded. Carlisle reached for her hand.

"The rest of us are outside the room. Jacob has Nessie back here because Amelia wouldn't want to upset her. She would have preferred to die at home, but doesn't want to put you through the trauma of encountering her empty bedroom that she died in everyday for eternity. Her kidneys have given up, and at her request, Carlisle signs off the paperwork to withdraw all treatment. She's in and out of consciousness for two or three days, before you tell her that she can let go. She is going to suffer immensely, it will be a relief when she finally goes," concluded Alice, unshed tears brimming.

Carlisle did his best to calm the three women standing before him. Esme dry sobbed in his arms, fearful of losing her new daughter, Rosalie and Alice hugged each other tightly, both suddenly aware of just how unwell their baby sister was.


The next morning saw the four Cullens standing outside the ICU. Sam saw them and greeted them, before ducking into the ICU to check on Amelia before she left. A few minutes later, she walked out, smiling at their enthusiasm.

"Mia had a good night, no disturbances. They will move her back to her regular room this afternoon. She is awake and looking forward to seeing you all. I take it you girls must be Alice and Rosalie? She was chatting away nineteen to the dozen about her new family, and how her new sisters had come to see her. I've never seen her so animated before. She has just had physio so is a bit chesty but otherwise she is on the road to recovery." A terrible, hacking cough emphasised her words. It was too soft for Samantha to hear, or so they thought, but the Cullens heard it loud and clear.

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