Chapter 51

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"Mia's looking a lot better than when I last saw her," commented Emmett when Esme came downstairs after putting Amelia to bed. She had been exhausted, and was already asleep when Carlisle attached her IV antibiotics and feeds. It was somewhat of a relief to hear the oxygen concentrator whirring away on the third floor. The house had been too quiet without it when Amelia was in hospital.

"Yes she is, I suppose," murmured Carlisle as he also walked downstairs.

"She's sleeping," stated Esme, walking into the kitchen with the mug of cereal. Amelia had eaten most of it and Carlisle told Esme to just leave what she hadn't eaten. Amelia had eaten what she could and it was pointless arguing further with her.

"She'll wake up around noon," said Alice, "she'll be a little bit peckish but rather let her take care of it, Esme."

Esme nodded and went to put Amelia's bath towel in the drier. After she had bustled about and kept herself occupied for a while, she walked towards the living room. The Denalis had arrived home after their shopping trip. Blythe was walking into the house, and greeted Esme cheerfully as they met in the corridor.

"I got Mia some ice-cream," said Blythe, holding up a tub of the cold dairy refreshment, "mint chocolate. It's her favourite."

"Amelia likes ice cream?" she frowned. She didn't know Amelia even ate it, let alone her favourite flavour.

"Yip. She really dug into it last week at school when they served it in the cafeteria as a treat," replied Blythe, walking into the kitchen and opening up the freezer, "Jeez! How on earth is this thing packed? There's not an inch of space! Why do you have so much food, Esme? Mia doesn't eat that much!"

"Ever tried feeding a pack of wolves?" hummed Esme, following Blythe into the kitchen and holding out her hand for the ice cream, "mind out the way, hun. I need to figure out where to put this darn tub."

"You could just hold it all day long," called Emmett.

"Are you volunteering?" retorted Esme.

"Nah, I'm good thanks."

"That's what I thought."

One repacked freezer later, Esme and Blythe walked to the living room where the others were sitting. Alice had brought Amelia's birthday presents out so that she could finally open them. Amelia had not been in the best state of mind to unwrap them during her party. Practically everyone had retreated to the TV room to watch a film, except for Carlisle, who was waiting for Esme so that they could chat to Blythe.

"Blythe, do you mind if the three of us have a little chat?" asked Carlisle. Blythe nodded and they went to sit down on one of the couches.

"Is everything alright, Carlisle?" asked Blythe in concern. She racked her brain to think of something she had done wrong, but came up blank.

"Everything is fine, sweetheart. You haven't done anything wrong," promised Esme.

"Ok, that is good to know," said Blythe, sighing in obvious relief.

"We wanted to know what your plans are when the school exchange is over. You've been in Forks for nearly 3 weeks, so I imagine you have little more than a week left with us?"

"I have 13 days left. I will leave next Saturday, so I have two more weeks left of school, although I will not be going in on the last Friday because I need to pack up my things."

"We have a proposition for you. We were wondering if you'd like to move in with us," said Carlisle.

"For how long?" asked Blythe in surprise.

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