Chapter 65

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"No. I don't want a chicken sandwich," stated Amelia sleepily, swatting away the hand that was trying to wake her up. Carlisle chuckled softly.

"It's time to get up, Amelia," he crooned cheerfully. Amelia groaned loudly, eyes finally snapping open. She was disorientated and wanted to return to lala-land, where someone was apparently trying to coerce her into eating a chicken sandwich.

Amelia had fallen asleep in the car while waiting for Esme to finish up in the pet store. She'd had the heart-shaped dog tag engraved with Jemima's name while Carlisle and Amelia had taken a slow walk to the Mercedes. Exhausted, she'd sat down in the car and rested her eyes for 'just a minute'. To her father's amusement, she'd promptly fallen asleep. He'd buckled her in and covered her in a blanket while he had waited for Esme to return.

They had driven to Port Angeles where the rest of the family was waiting for them at the 'cute little coffee shop' that Carlisle and Esme had wanted to surprise her with on her birthday. Blythe had suggested it actually, knowing that the distraction would be good for Amelia. Esme had gone inside to meet up with the others, spying Emmett's Jeep, the Volvo, the Porsche and Jacob's Volkswagen in the lot. That left Carlisle with the challenge of waking up the dark-haired beauty who was murmuring about poultry.

"Where are we?" she queried, more alert now.

"Port Angeles. Do you remember on your birthday how your mom and I wanted to take you to a coffee shop to celebrate but for obvious reasons, we could not?"

"Yeah," Amelia grimaced, recalling what had happened in the bathroom with her mother and Carmen.

"Well, Blythe recommended that we take you here today to help you get your mind off her departure."

"And now we are here," she concluded, unbuckling her seat belt and running a hand through her hair. It was all messy from her sleep, "my hair must look terrible."

"That's what you are worried about?" Carlisle asked incredulously, helping Amelia out of the car.

"Dude, I'm in public. I can't be seen looking like a tramp! I'm already so noticeable," she commented drily, pulling the hair elastic out of her hair and running her fingers through her hair in a last ditch attempt at taming it.

"Whatever you say, dude," retorted Carlisle, rolling his eyes in mock annoyance. A smile was playing on his lips. Amelia glanced at him and started laughing. He held his hand out for the hair elastic.

"You can do up a girl's hair?" she queried, still giggling, as he tied her hair up for her.

"Why do you find that so surprising? I've been married for 80 years," he stated nonchalantly, "all done."

Amelia took a moment to survey herself in the reflection of the car door. "I am impressed."

"Why thank you, milady," he bowed, kissed her hand and linked arms with her, before leading her into the restaurant. Amelia waved at Emmett as he passed them, the car keys to the Jeep in his hand. She waved at Seth, who was waiting for her at the door, thereby missing Carlisle handing his car keys to Emmett as the two walked past each other.

"Hey Mia!" he greeted enthusiastically.

"Seth!" she called, unlinking her arm from Carlisle's. Seth bounded down the stairs, picked her up and spun her around, while she giggled with laughter, "it's so good to see you!"

"It is fantastic to see you too, Mia," he iterated, setting her back down on her feet. Her giggles had attracted the attention of the rest of her family, who stood casually observing her from various viewpoints. Rosalie casually leaned against the doorway, Esme stood next to her. Alice and Renesmee were watching from the window. Carlisle smiled and walked past them, greeting Leah as she bounded out as well.

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