Chapter 37

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Jasper, Alice, Rosalie and Emmett lingered briefly before leaving for home. Bella and Blythe left immediately to go hunting. Bella might be very controlled, but being in an auditorium full of humans was harder than it looked for a vampire as young as she was. The music had been a distraction, but it was not enough to dull the aching burn in her throat. Edward and Renesmee had left with Jacob, Leah and Seth. The small girl was starting to fall asleep in her father's arms as he carried her out of the auditorium.

Dr Westsmythe and Carlisle were immersed in conversation about a patient of theirs. Caroline and Esme were discussing Amelia's upcoming birthday party. In order to keep up with appearances, Rosalie and Alice had decided to go ahead and plan one anyway, even although Amelia objected strongly as she felt that it would be a waste if she was just going to be hospitalised on the day anyway. Alice had argued that her visions were not set in stone and it was possible that it might change. It was to be a small family event – just the Cullens, some of the pack members, Amelia's friends and possibly the Denali coven as well. Eleazar and Carmen had yet to confirm whether or not they were coming, but were keen to meet the latest addition to the Cullen family.

Daniella came out, carrying her violin case and yawning widely. She smiled at everyone and greeted them, before leaving with her parents and brothers in tow. Carlisle and Esme went to speak to Ms Monteverdi, who was chatting to a few other parents.

"That was a lovely concert. Congratulations Ms Monteverdi," said Carlisle warmly, greeting the music teacher. She had now taken off her Jedi robes and was busy folding them up. She glanced up and straightened, shaking hands with him and then with Esme.

"Thank you, Dr Cullen. Did you enjoy Amelia's performance?"

"Very much so. I knew she was good, but that was exceptional," said Esme, beaming with pride directed at her youngest child.

"She has been working so hard on that piece. She just about drove the entire class nuts last week with all of her frantic practising," said Ms Monteverdi with a fond smile.

"I'll say," agreed one of the music students who was walking past with a music stand, "but it sounded lovely. She is really good."

"Aww thanks Shannon. Your trombone solo was awesome," said Amelia, walking up to her parents, violin case casually slung over her left shoulder and concentrator strap on her right one. Shannon winked and walked off.

"Congrats bella Mia," exclaimed Esme, throwing her arms around Amelia and hugging her tightly, "that was beautiful!"

"Thanks Mom," she said, blushing a brilliant shade of red. Esme had tears in her eyes when they separated, "Aww shucks, you don't need to cry."

"It was so moving and so perfect and amazing and-" Esme babbled on.

"Congratulations Amelia," said Carlisle, giving her a hug as well and pressing his lips to her forehead, before removing the violin case from her shoulder. Amelia sagged against him, exhaustion so clearly etched on her face. Her chest rattled ominously as she took a minute to catch her breath.

"Stellar performance, Mia," agreed Ms Monteverdi. She smiled at Esme as her eyes shone more brightly than before. Amelia coughed violently and a thin sheen of sweat covered her forehead. Carlisle, ever the doctor, felt her forehead and observed that it was warmer than usual, but then again, she had just been performing and exerting herself and relying heavily on the adrenaline that flooded through her system when she got pre-performance jitters, so that could account for the raised temperature.

"I think it's time we get Amelia home. It's way past her bedtime," said Carlisle, gently tapping his daughter on the nose.

"What's the time?" she asked sleepily.

A New Cullen SisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora