Chapter 61

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"Thank you, Glendale High School for that lovely performance. Up next we have a new school joining us this year all the way from the Olympic Peninsula. Please welcome Forks High School to the stage," stated Simon, speaking into the microphone. He smiled at the students as they hastily made their way to their seats. He winked at Amelia as she walked past him, holding onto her violin. Blythe walked after her, keeping a watchful eye on her friend. Soon enough the orchestra was seated, and ready for their performance. Ms Monteverdi took her place, and Gabriella played an A note. Two dozen instruments were tuned. Their orchestra was undoubtedly the smallest of all of the schools partaking in the day's events, but they were determined to give it their best and have fun.

The students fell silent, waiting for Ms Monteverdi's signal. Violins were lifted onto shoulders, cellos were gripped a little tighter, wind instruments were lifted up. They launched into the Overture movement of Handel's Music for the Royal Fireworks.

Esme smiled at Carlisle. He took her hand in his. A glance to her left saw Emmett holding a video camera, watching with rapt attention, Rosalie gently swaying in time to the music, and Alice and Jasper holding hands. As it was Charlie's birthday, Edward, Bella and Renesmee had been unable to attend. Amelia was easy going, and was not bothered in the slightest by it. Aside from Bree, she'd never had anyone come to support her at a concert or recital of any kind, and she relished the happiness it brought her, and the joy on her mother's face when she got to see her youngest daughter on stage, playing her heart out.

The piece ended, and La Réjouissance was subsequently played. Esme caught sight of Amelia coughing, and hoped that she could last until the end of their performance. The lively piece also came to an end, and Amelia took the opportunity to hack out her lungs as quietly as possible while the audience was applauding for them.

"I'm alright, guys," she whispered, knowing that her family could hear her. It did little to calm her family down, who could hear every agonising breath Amelia was taking.

"Carlisle, go," urged Alice softly. He glanced at her then kissed Esme. The Prokofiev was played next, during which Carlisle stood up and walked out of the concert hall. The Cullens were seated in the middle of the concert hall, near the middle aisle. Carlisle made his way backstage.

"Excuse me, Sir. I'm afraid you cannot come back here," whispered one of the programme coordinators, who held onto a clipboard.

"My daughter is the young girl who is oxygen dependent," he began.

"Amelia's dad?" she broke in, "pleased to meet you. It's fine then, Simon said you guys would probably come back here."

"Carlisle," he introduced himself.

"Beatrice," she replied, "it's fantastic to see little Mia again. Well, she's not so little anymore actually. Heavens, she's so big. Are you coming to the tribute concert next week?"

"What tribute concert?" asked Carlisle in confusion.

"We do a tribute to Amelia's parents every year," muttered Simon, joining the pair, "it'll be 13 years since they passed next Saturday. Well technically Abi is on Saturday, Chris is on the Monday. We set up a scholarship in Abi's memory, and all of the money that is accrued from the ticket sales gets put into the fund. We have a competition every year for students studying music on a university level, and the winner obviously gets the bursary. Normally we get enough to cover the student's tuition which is great."

"Amelia spied Abigail's picture in the foyer just before she ran into you," stated Carlisle.

"Her mother was a phenomenal musician. I've never encountered a violinist as talented as she was. It appears that Amelia is equally talented, but only time will tell," Simon smiled sadly at the memory, "I know you are now Amelia's foster parents, and I do apologise for referring to Abi and Chris as her parents, but please understand that that little family holds a very special place in our hearts."

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