A New Life

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          Skorge woke up to the sound of pots falling to the floor.  He jumped out of bed and tried running to the door to see what happened but slipped and fell into the dresser. Skorge got up but only to have the T.V. on the dresser fall on him, knocking the air out of him. He finally got up and ran to the kitchen trying to regain his breath. He looked in to see Yiachi on the floor surrounded by pots and pans. Yiachi tried to get up but slipped on a pan making another loud crash. "What is going on in here?!" Skorge asked trying to be heard over the crashing of the pots.

          "I was trying to get some pans out for breakfast." Yiachi said as he finally got up. "Well what happened?" Skorge asked again. "I slipped on some ice cubes that i dropped earlier." Yiachi said looking at the floor. "How do you slip on ice cubes! They're so easy to get around!" Skorge said. 'Leave it to Yiachi to make a mess this early in the morning.' Skorge thought to himself. "Its not my fault! I got distracted when i saw someone peeking through our window, he was watching me!" Yiachi said frantically. "Wait someone was watching you?" Skorge asked as he went to the door and looked outside.

          "Yeah, he was just staring at me and when i saw him he just kinda vanished. As if he wasn't even there!" Yiachi said running after skorge. "Did they look familiar?" Skorge asked. "I don't think so. It's hard to tell with the blinds in the way." Yiachi replied as they looked around the yard to find whoever was watching them. "Whoever it was, he seems to be gone now." Skorge said defeated. "It was a girl." Yiachi replied as they went back to the house.

          "So what, you got a stalker now?" Skorge asked impatiently. "I don't know maybe. All i know is that she was watching me." Yiachi replied. "Well i'm going back to bed. Try to be a bit quieter ok?" Skorge asked. "Don't worry, you just go get your sleep." Yiachi replied as skorge walked off to his room. Yiachi cleaned up the kitchen. After a few minutes he heard Skorge screaming in his room. "Oh god is she back?" Yiachi asked running up to his room.  He saw Skorge laying peacefully sleeping in his bed. "Huh, must have been a bad dream. Yiachi suddenly felt a rag go over his mouth.

          Yiachi quickly  pulled the rag off his mouth but the person had a strong grip so that was all he could do. "Oh god help! I'm being Smothered by some random chick!" Yiachi called out before the girl put the rag back over his mouth. Yiachi slowly fell asleep and fell over then the lady let him go. The girl sighed as she picked up both the boys. "I don't get paid enough to pick up idiots like this." She grumbled. She hoisted them over her shoulders and ran off into the woods by they're home.

          Yiachi woke up first, followed by Skorge several minutes later. "Wha-? Where are we?" Skorge asked looking around. "In a dark room." Yiachi replied staring at a man who was watching them. "Good morning. Its nice to see your awake Skorge and Yiachi." The man said casually. "You know who we are?" Skorge asked worried. "Oh~! That's pretty creepy." Yiachi said. Skorge kicked him in the shin. "Ow!" Yiachi cried out as he jumped back.

          "Please take a seat." the man said gesturing to two chairs. Yiachi sat down glancing around the room, Skorge hesitated but sat down anyways. "We've been watching you for quite some time as you might be able to tell." The man said. "Yeah, I think we do. So what's your big plan to kill us? Maybe hold us for ransom?" Skorge asked. The man chuckled in response. "You got quite a creative mind. We don't 'plan' to kill you." The man replied and went silent for a moment. When no one said anything he continued.

          "I've came to offer you a spot at our special school. A school that no one else knows of." The man replied. "So what, Is this a school for wizards or something?" Skorge asked rolling his eyes. Yiachi's eyes lit up. "I'm a wizard?!" Yiachi asked surprised. "Yiachi, just stop talking." Skorge grunted. The man laughed, "It is not a school for wizard but i cannot tell you unless you decide to enroll there." "So were suppose to join you without knowing what type of school it is?" Skorge asked. "Yes." The man said simply. "And if we refuse?" Skorge asked. "Then i would have to kill you." The man said the smile fading from his face.

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