Kugo's Help

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          They caught up with Kugo who began climbing the wall of the school. "Looks like it's monkey time!" Yiachi said following his lead. "Yeah, no." Skorge said as he levitated to the top. "You have some good cardio." Kugo said as Yiachi reached the top. "What do you mean?" Yiachi asked. He looked as kugo pointed down and realized they were around 50 meters high. "Wow, were high up." Yiachi said. "Thanks, Captain Obvious." Kugo said rolling his eyes. "Your welcome!" Yiachi replied.

          Kugo grabbed onto a vine on the other side of the wall and slide down it. Skorge did the same and Yiachi jumped, landing in several trees before hitting the floor hard. "Are you trying to get hurt before we start?" Kugo asked. "I've done worse." Yiachi said hopping up. "Well then let's go. Don't slow me down or you'll be left behind." Kugo said running through the forest. Skorge and Yiachi chased after him. "There's a town quite a few miles from here, so i hope your up for running." Kugo warned them. "Shouldn't be too bad." Skorge replied.

          "We'll see if you think that after we get there." Kugo chuckled. "Tell us a bit about yourself kugo." Yiachi said. "What do you think this is, play time? Get serious and don't say stupid things." Kugo replied. Jeese, someone needs a nap." Yiachi mumbled. "What was that?" Kugo asked. "I didn't say anything!" Yiachi said quickly. "I thought not." Kugo said grinning. "Let's just go before we start to attack each other." Skorge said quickly.

          After 2 hours they finally arrived to a large town. "This town in known as 'Gavenics.' Most of our missions are going to take place here or within 250 miles from here." Kugo explained. "That is quite a distance." Skorge said. "Well that puts an extra 5 towns that missions can be done in. This is where some of the cruelest or nicest people you will see live. There's a range of people from homeless to army that are around here at all times." Kugo explained. "Our mission is to raid the police department of informations so we need to go to the center of town." Kugo said walking into an alley. "Well isn't that convenient." Skorge said annoyed.

          "Well being in the center of town makes it easier to get everywhere at an even amount of time." Yiachi pointed out. "He has a point." Kugo said as he climbed a house. The other followed him up. "There's the station." Kugo said as he jumped across the roof from building to building. Kugo and Skorge hopped onto the roof and laid down to stay hidden.  Yiachi tried to jump on the roof but smacked right into the wall and fell into a dumpster with a loud crash. The dumpster shut itself as a few officers came out to check out what happened. After unable to find anything they went back inside. "Well that was convenient." Kugo chuckled.

          Yiachi got out of the dumpster and climbed the wall. "You got lucky, trash truck would be here in about 20 minutes." Skorge said. "So what's the plan?" Yiachi asked. "I need one person to cause a distraction and another to come with me to get the files." Kugo said. "On it!" Yiachi said as he jumped back on the  dumpster with another loud crash. "Well he's dependable." Kugo said raising an eyebrow. "Yiachi just loves being the center of attention." Skorge said watching as the police came outside to see Yiachi hitting the inside of the dumpster with his bowstaff. "Well that's our cue to get inside." Kugo said as he slide and hung on the side of the roof. He opened a window with his feet and slide inside. Skorge swung and used his momentum to get through the window.

          Skorge followed Kugo to a computer. "I'm going to hack into the files. You get the paper documents." Kugo said, as he started typing on the computer. "They're locked." Skorge said as he failed to pull one open. "Carry the damn thing if you can't find a key. Those files are coming with us one way or another." Kugo said hastily as he shut down the computer. They heard an explosion go off in the alley. "What the hell?!" Skorge said as the building shook. "Your friend probably found an explosive and set it off. Get the files and run." Kugo said running for the window.

          Skorge found the keys and unlocked the cabinets. He quickly grabbed the files and was about to go out the window when he heard a voice. "Hey, Freeze or we'll shoot!" A policeman shouted. Skorge turned around to see 7 men with tasers aimed at him. "Give us the files!" The officer shouted. Skorge jumped straight out the window without hope of landing on anything good. He fell straight to the street with the files tucked tightly in his arms.

          Skorge quickly ran down the street and into an alley and hid. After several minutes he climbed the roof and saw the other 2 several houses down waiting for him. He caught up with them, "So what happened?" He asked. "Your idiot friend tried to eat a flashbang from his belt because he thought it was a burrito." Kugo said. "You never know what will happen with Yiachi." Skorge said with a smile. "Yeah, one minute i'm falling off a roof into a trashcan, the next i'm being tased by cops and eating bombs." Yiachi said laughing. "Well let's get you two back to school and get your final test results." Kugo sai with a sigh as he started running back to school.

          After an hour they finally made it back. "Thank you for taking these two on the mission with you Kugo." Zeisumie said. "Consider it a one time thing. You know i don't like working with others, especially losers." Kugo said walking out of the room. "You two did a good job." Iceer said. "Thanks. It was tricky." Skorge replied. "I hope you will get use to it because that was one of our easiest missions." Iceer said walking into the grading room. They looked at the list, Skorge was in rank 12,300 and Yiachi was in rank 12,436. "Finally, for the last board in the room behind this one. It shows out top ranked student based on everything we see them do. even if it isnt test related." Iceer said. 

          They walked into a back room. They saw one large list and looked though it. Skorge was in rank 10,325 while Yiachi was in rank 10,196. "Yiachi is a higher rank than me?" Skorge asked. "Yes, He is trying harder then you outside of missions, and he shows equal skill to you in test as long as it doesn't involve thinking. As to where you just don't seem to care much." Iceer replied. "I'm just still getting use to things." Skorge said as he turned around to see that Iceer was already gone. Skorge jumped as he felt a taser go to his arm. "Where did you get that?!" Skorge yelled at Yiachi. "I took it from a cop, I make a great thief I guess!" Yiachi said as he turned the taser on. Skorge ran as fast as he could to get away from Yiachi who was ready to zap anything that moved. "Get away from me!" Skorge yelled in as he panicked.

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