Tournament: The First Round

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          They all went to the arena and started looking around. They saw several different students walking into a spare room. "That's where we are suppose to go." Haiwato said as he walked into the room.  The others went in after him and looked around. There were a total of 24 people in the room including the. Theres the battle chart over there, Banshi said pointing at a sheet of paper. Skorge walked over and took at the list. The chart consists of teams of two and the fights.

          In the first fight was Yiachi and Skorge vs. Kikomi and Gavin.  The second fight would be Lakiin and John against Jackson and gregory. The third fight was Robert and Brittany against Haiwato and Banshi. The fourth fight was Aspen and Wilson against Ashley and Sam. The fifth fight was Jessica and Dinima against Fred and Jasmine. The final fight was Aaron and Harry against Diachi and Kugo.

        "Kikomi and Gavin are over there." Haiwato said pointing at some brutish looking guy and the girl from earlier. "Oh, its her again." Yiachi said. "You know for a school filled with thousands of students i thought more people would have signed up." Skorge pointed out. "Yeah, when Diachi signs up for a tournament everybody decides its not worth the effort. Although there are a few that are stupid enough to try." Haiwato said with a smirk. "But aren't you signed up?" Yiachi asked. "Never said i was smart." Haiwato replied with a chuckle. 

          "On the bright side, your opponents are still under the 10,000's in arena ranks so you guys stand a decent chance if you did training well." Banshi said. "That's good to hear." Skorge replied looking around. "Where did Yiachi go?" Skorge asked looking around. "Looks like he's over there." Haiwato said pointing at him. Skorge looked and saw Yiachi talking with Kikomi and Gavin. "That idiot." Skorge groaned. "Leave him be. He might learn something." Banshi said as Haiwato walked off.

          "Your friend is weird." Lakiin said as he walked over to Skorge. "Your wierd yourself." Skorge said crossing his arms. "Yeah, but i embrace my weirdness, like the voices tell me too. You friend doesn't even realize how weird he is." Lakiin replied as he walked off. Skorge watched as Yiachi walked back over. "Gavin says he's gonna crush us." Yiachi said with a smile. "Well the fight isn't to long from now, so let's get ready." Skorge said. "Already did." Yiachi said. 

          "Alright then. So we got the first fight, did you find anything out about them?"  Skorge asked. "Well Gavin is the big one and Kikomi is the girl." Yiachi said. "Anything that isn't obvious?" Skorge groaned. "Sorry, i was told to keep that a secret!" Yiachi said laughing. "Dude, take this seriously!" Skorge said. "A secret is a secret!" Yiachi said. "Fine, come on its about time for our fight." Skorge said walking to the arena entrance. "All right!" Yiachi said following behind him. "Hope your ready to get your skulls smashed in." Gavin said behind them. 

          Yiachi and Skorge took place in one spot of the arena while Gavin and Kikomi took place on the other side. An orb, that was floating in the center of the ring, started to spin. The orb slowed to a stop after several minutes, then displayed an image of an abandoned mansion. "Ohhh, spooky!" Yiachi said as the arena started to change into the mansion. After 5 minutes, they heard the 'go' buzzer. "So whats the plan stick together?" Yiachi asked. "No, split up. You distract gavin. Try to beat him if you can. I'll handle Kikomi." Skorge said as he turned invisible. "Oooh imma be scary!" Yiachi said as he ran off. Skorge pulled out his pistols and began the hunt.

          Skorge walked carefully, trying not to kick up dust or do anything that would reveal his position. He thought this was the best idea after Iceer humiliated him.  After several minutes of looking around he found Yiachi stalking Gavin. Yiachi was standing right behind the large man sneakily walking behind him. That's when Skorge heard a stifled giggle. He looked around to see Kikoki watching them from above enjoying the show. Skorge pulled out his pistol and aimed at her head.

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