Yiachi Snaps

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          They walked through the desert on the way to the city. ¨Our missions are dangerous. There is a high chance that you will die.¨ Haiwato warned them. ¨He's right, we're going to be dealing with a well trained killer.¨ Banshi said. ¨So were fighting a grown up version of us?¨ Yiachi asked as he carried a turtle. ¨Yiachi, where did you get that turtle?¨ Skorge said staring at it. ¨I found him, his name is Snuggles!¨Yiachi said hugging the turtle to his chest. ¨Well, the school allows pets.¨ Haiwato laughed as the turtle hid in its shell.

          As Yiachi placed the shell on his head, the turtle popped out and stood on his head as a guard.       ¨I don't know whats scarier, Lakiin or that turtle.¨ Skorge said with a laugh.  ¨My turtle could beat Lakiin up!¨ Yiachi said. ¨Sure it could.¨ Lakiin said from behind them. ¨Jesus!¨ Skorge yelled.   ¨Where did you come from?¨ Banshi asked. ¨My voices told me to stalk him, something interesting should be happening today.¨ Lakiin said pointing at Yiachi. ¨Something always happens when Yiachis around. ¨Either way, i'm following you now.¨ Lakiin said.  ¨Just stay out of our way.¨ Banshi said.

          ¨Easy enough.¨ Lakiin said falling back behind them. After several minutes Banshi stopped. ¨Whats wrong?¨ Skorge asked. ¨Were pretty close to the town. I don't want him to see us coming, the town is pretty small.¨ Banshi replied. Haiwato started laughing loudly. ¨What's so funny?¨ Banshi asked. ¨Why don't you ask Yiachi.¨ Haiwato said. Banshi looked around and saw Yiachi and Lakiin walk into the broken little village. ¨That brat!¨Banshi yelled as she ran down the hill after them.

          Yiachi walked down a few streets and saw everyone in town gathered into one area. ¨Looks like everyone's over here. If we kill him first we could impress the others!¨ Lakiin pointed out. ¨Hey, what are you two doing get with the crowd!¨ A man shouted pointing his gun at them. Yiachi walked up and looked closely at his face. ¨Yep! this is him Lakiin!¨ Yiachi shouted. ¨What are you doing?! Get with the crowd or ill shoot you!¨ The man shouted. ¨I don't think you will.¨ Yiachi said leaning close to his face trying to intimidate the man. 

          ¨You know kid. I would be more scared if there wasn't a turtle on your head.¨ The man said in a frustrated voice. The turtle stretched its neck and bit the man on the nose. The man screamed in pain as Yiachi pulled the turtle away. ¨I almost forgot! I need to put Snuggles somewhere safe!¨ Yiachi said as he ran across the street carrying Snuggles. Banshi and the others caught up with him. ¨Oh hey guys the man is over there he's got a gun too.¨ Yiachi said. ¨Ok I understand.¨ Banshi said walking over to the crowd. The crows backed away as the man stepped forward. ¨More of you? Alright i got enough prisoners so ill just kill you guys.¨ The man said. ¨Yiachi you wanna take this?¨ Haiwato asked.

          ¨No one stops the great human torpedo!¨ Yiachi yelled as he hopped off a building headfirst. The man jumped backwards while Yiachi hit the ground head first then twisted to the feet. The man fired into Yiachis face until his clip emptied. ¨Die you fool!¨ The man yelled. Yiachi hopped back to his feet wiping the blood from his face. ¨You know, I don't think this much blood loss is good. Even for me!¨ Yiachi said staring at a pool of blood on the dirt covered road. ¨How did that not kill you?!¨ The man said staggering back. ¨I don't know, maybe you just suck.¨ Yiachi said with a shrug. The man yelled as he shot Yiachi in the chest several times. Yiachi coughed up blood and fell over silent and still.

          Skorge leaned over Yiachi to see his eyes open but he seemed to be spaced out. ¨Yiachi snap out of it!¨ Banshi yelled. ¨That's too bad, looks like it's your turn.¨ The man said with a chuckled. A large fist made of sand hit the man out of nowhere sending him skidding across the street. Skorge looked over to see Yiachi standing with his hair covering his eyes and his fists clenched tight. ¨Oh, now we got a party!¨ Lakiin said stepping back. ¨Yiachi are you ok?¨ Banshi asked as Yiachi started walking towards the man. Sand raised all around them and floated to Yiachi.

          The man staggered to his feet and started firing but ended up shooting a hard sand wall. A sand pillar knocked him into the air. Yiachi swung his arm around making the sand smack into the man keeping him in the air. The sand wrapped around his foot and dangled him upside down. Sand skewers stabbed into the man repeatedly then flung him into the ground repeatedly splattering blood everywhere. The sand wrapped around the man and slowly started to crush him. The man screamed in agony as he was slowly dragged underground while being crushed. When is was over all that was left was a street and the buildings covered in his blood.

          The crowd of people started to run off screaming. ¨Yiachi, what the hell was that?!¨ Skorge yelled. Haiwato and Banshi stared at him in shock. Yiachi looked back to them frowning. He reached into his shirt and pulled out a dead turtle. ¨He killed Snuggles.¨ Yiachi squeaked. They stared at him in disbelief as Lakiin walked over. ¨Poor turtle, he didn't deserve what happened. I know, we'll find you a new pet turtle on the way home.¨ Lakiin said. ¨No, this just shows that my life is to dangerous for a turtle. I gotta live with my friends and them alone.¨ Yiachi said staring off into the sky.

          ¨Well then let's get going.¨ Banshi said. They all hesitated before walking back to the school. Yiachi don't ever do that again, that was actually terrifying.¨ Haiwato said keeping his distance. ¨I don't think we have to worry about that again. But let's be careful from now on, so no more pets Yiachi.¨ Skorge said. ¨Aww! Fine!¨ Yiachi moaned.

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