Banshi Revealed!

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          ¨He does know the match isn't up for a few hours right?¨ Yiachi asked. ¨I think he was trying to be threatening. But, that was just ridiculous.¨ Banshi said. Diachi walked out the door as well. ¨We'll wait for you in there.¨ Diachi said before shutting the door. ¨Well i'm going out there while i can still use my anger to my advantage.¨ Banshi said as Haiwato followed him out of the room. ¨Good luck you guys!¨ Skorge called back to them. He looked around to see Yiachi enter the room. ¨Where were you at?¨ Skorge asked. ¨Haiwato told me to sign up for the same mission as them, so I wrote our names up.¨ Yiachi replied. Lakkin and Michael walked into the arena and the stage lifted.

          The orb spun and after several minutes it landed on the final map. ¨This final round will be a 3-way team fight! It will take place inside of the Volcano!¨ Iceer announced. ¨Don't forget that all rules are now gone. The only way to win is knockout or farther!¨ He finished. The arena started to shape and shift into the shape of a volcano around them. As they all hopped onto large rocks the floors filled with lava. ¨Good thing lava doesn't instantly affect us.¨ Michael said staring at the ground. Lakiin started to fire rockets the moment the buzzer went off. Kugo hopped across each missile until he reach Lakiin and kicked him towards the lava. Lakiin flipped and shot rockets into the ground keeping him in the air.  Lakiin landed on a piece of ground and looked up to see Banshi swinging a dagger inches from Kugos face repeatedly.

          Michael came up behind Kugo and thrusted the blade at his back Kugo span out of the way making Banshi quickly counter his attack then throw him.  Banshi ducked as Kugo swung his sword at his at him. Haiwato tapped Kugos shoulder and unleashed a flurry of pigeons as Kugo turned around. Banshi pushed Haiwato away as Diachi stuck his blade into the ground where he last stood. Haiwato stagger staring at Diachi as he covered his arms with Ice Gauntlets. Diachi let loose a barrage of swift punches and kicks putting Haiwato in full retreat. Banshi flipped back as Kugo swung his sword at his head but the hood got snagged and was torn off.

          Everyone stared in shock to see Banshi was a girl with long black hair and emerald green eyes rather than a brute of a man. Banshi stared at the hood on Kugo's sword for a moment before putting one of her daggers away and pulling out a pistol. She fired at Kugo with her clip seeming to have no end. Kugo blocked the bullets with his sword before charging at her quickly. Banshi quickly deflect the sword before putting a bullet into his kneecaps. She span behind him and plunged the dagger into his back then shot him in the back of the head. ¨No one removes my hood.¨ Banshi said as she fired a few more rounds into him.

          Banshi turned around as Diachi swung a sword down on her. She deflected it with her dagger. Barely able keeping him at bay she looked around to see Haiwato struggling with both Michael and Lakiin. Banshi hopped on the wall behind her then jumped over Diachi and sprinted towards Lakiin and Michael. Lakiin put the launcher to Banshi's head and pulled the trigger firing out gallons of pudding. ¨Where did this pudding come from?¨ Lakiin said as he looked inside. Banshi pulled the trigger and a rocket exploded in Lakiin's face sending him flying into a pit of lava. Banshi turned around to see Michael unconscious on the floor and Diachi stick his blade through Haiwato's chest.

          ¨This isn't looking too good.¨ Banshi said as she readied her daggers. ¨I know your full strength. for that reason i won't hold back against you.¨ Diachi said readying his sword. Banshi sighed as she charged at Diachi. The blades collided over and over again. Every Time Banshi thought she was having the upper hand Diachi would suddenly catch her off guard. They battle was wearing on and she was beginning to wear out but so was Diachi. ¨Why haven't you been using your ice if you're going all out?¨ Banshi asked wanting to find something to use to her advantage. ¨It's to hot here. My ice would barely last 10 seconds.¨ Diachi said as he started to swing again.

          Banshi block and stabbed at him. Diachi twisted his blade disarming Banshi. Banshi rolled back pulling out two of her pistols. Banshi started to shoot as arms wrapped around her neck. ¨Did ya miss me?!¨ Kugo said tightening his grip. Diachi readied his sword but Kugo moved Banshi out of reach. Kugo forced Banshi onto her knees then started to push her head towards a pool of lava. Banshi fought to stay out of it and Kugo put all of his weight onto her head. Diachi pushed Kugo off of her. ¨That's to far. I'll end things if you want to act that way.¨ Diachi said as he stabbed Banshi in the chest. Kugo glared at Diachi as the buzzer went off. ¨And, Diachi and Kugo win the tournament!¨

     Everyone stayed silent as they all left the arena. ¨I'll finish you off another time. Then i'll deal with you.¨ Kugo said to Banshi then Diachi. ¨Aww sounds like someone needs a nap.¨ Yiachi said. Kugo let out a loud growl and chased Yiachi out of the room as Yiachi screamed. ¨Well that sucked.¨ Banshi said taking a deep breath. ¨Yeah, are you ok?¨ Skorge asked. ¨I'm fine. Let's go on our mission, it will help take our minds off lossing.¨ Banshi said to Haiwato. ¨Alright, but i invited Yiachi and Skorge to come with us.¨ Haiwato said. ¨That's fine, it's their choice to risk their lives with us.¨ Banshi replied.

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