Training for the Tournament

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          Skorge and Yiachi climbed up the wall and looked around. "We climbed up the wrong side of the school. Were by the desert." Skorge moan as he turned around. "Way to go, baka." Yiachi said is mock tone. Skorge sighed and pushed Yiachi over the side of the wall. "Yiachi fell onto a building breaking through the roof. He heard several girls scream. "Hi." Yiachi said as he got up. "What just happened?!" A girl said in a panicked tone. "I fell off the wall." Yiachi said as he climbed out of the hole on the roof.

      "Wait, how did you fall?" One of the girls asked. "Oh my friend pushed me." Yiachi said as he finally climbed out of the hole. "Hey, wait for me Skorge!" Yiachi shouted as one of the girls giggled inside the room. Yiachi climbed up the wall and chased after Skorge. After 15 minutes the made it to the other side of the wall. "How does no one see this school? its huge." Yiachi asked. At that time they heard a plane flying overhead. "Well guess its been seen now." Skorge said. Suddenly the plane was shot down by a missile. "Guess not." Yiachi yelled as he dived over the side of the wall towards the forest. "Why is there a desert right next to a forest?" Skorge asked. "Just don't question it. That's what i've learned here." Yiachi replied. "You never question anything!" Skorge said. "And look at me now." Yiachi said with a smile.

          "Well let's start training." Skorge said pulling out a gun and his knife. "Ok!" Yiachi said pulling out his bo staff. Skorge started hopping around the trees while firing at random objects. Yiachi ran around a tree hitting it whenever he had the chance. "Come on Yiachi, you gotta try harder if you want to get better." Skorge called out firing into Yiachi's tree. "But then ill get all sweaty!" Yiachi whined. "Fine then i guess we don't need to join the tournament." Skorge called back. "Okay, okay i'll try harder." Yiachi said picking up the pace and hitting it more often. After several weeks of this Yiachi seemed to have more speed and endurance, while Skorge was capable of shooting down multiple birds when jumping from one tree to the next. "And that's 5 birds in one hop. That has to be a record. What about you Yiachi?" Skorge looked over to see yiachi hopping and ducking around branches he glued to his favorite tree as he hit it. "I am unstoppable!" Yiachi said getting cocky. Skorge shot at him near his foot. "Don't get cocky you still can't beat me." He teased.

          "I will be able to soon though." Well he did some physical training i think its time we train with actual combat." Skorge said pointing his knife at Yiachi extending it. "If you hit me, we'll be done for the day." Skorge said. "Then i've already won." Yiachi said crossing his arms smiling. "No cars." Skorge said quickly. "Skorge felt Yiachi's bo staff go across his neck choking him as Yiachi fell into a pile of sand. "ACK! A sand dummy?!" Skorge said struggling to get free as Yiachi choked him. "Yeah, i mean i'm not stupid!" Yiachi said with a laugh. Skorge put the gun to the back of Yiachi's head and fired. "it's hard to tell sometimes." Skorge coughed.

          "Ow, that hurts man!" Yiachi whined. "You still as much of a baby as ever." Skorge sighed with a smile. "Come on let's go home and get some rest. We need to be rested up for the tournament tomorrow." Skorge said walking back to the school. "Aww man, and i was getting use sleeping out here. Its always so peaceful and quite until that bear arrived." Yiachi said. "Yeah i feel a lot tougher after living out here for a few weeks. Too bad we had to keep going back to get some food." Skorge said. "This tournament should be fun since we stand a chance now." Yiachi said.

          They climbed back over the wall and went back into the main yard. People stared at them as they walked back to the rooms. As they opened the doors the saw Banshi and Haiwato eating some lunch. "So how was your training?" Haiwato asked. "I think we stand a good chance." Yiachi said. "Well find out just how good of chance you got when we see the tournament boards." Banshi said. "So, what do you guys wanna do? We still have half a day before the tournament." Haiwato said.

     "Oh were just gonna walk around and see whats going on." Skorge said. "Yeah we just came to freshen up." Yiachi said changing his clothes. After they were finished cleaning up they both went back outside. They saw Diachi talking with a few other people. Lakiin was being attack by several others. Kugo was at a table looking like he was in deep thought. "That girl is staring at you Yiachi." Skorge said. "Oh, that's the girl from the house." Yiachi said when he saw her. "What do you mean?" Skorge asked. "That was on of the girls in the room i broke into after you pushed me. Yiachi replied.

          The girl walked off to ehr group of friends and they all started talking together.  "Hey look Diachi's coming this way." Yiachi said. Skorge looked and saw Diachi approaching them. "Hi, whats up Diachi." Skorge said. "Just checking on you guys. I heard you had some good training for the tournament." Diachi said. "Yep were joining tomorrow!" Yiachi replied.  "Not to discourage you but ill be joining the tournament as well." Diachi warned them. "Sounds like fun!" Yiachi said. "I look forward to seeing you fight." Diachi said walking off.

          "Do you think we'll get to fight him?" Yiachi asked. "I hope not." Skorge replied. "I like him, he seems like a nice guys." Yiachi said. "Yeah well lets go get some rest, we got a big day tomorrow." Skorge replied. They walked home and got settled in for the night. "Good night guy!" Yiachi called out. "Night, good luck tomorrow." Haiwato called back. "Right back at you!" Skorge said before falling asleep. In a few minute everyone was asleep ready for the tournament.

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