The First Battle

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          Skorge walked into a bright room with a large floor and saw Yiachi at the other end. Yiachi waved as the arena form started to change into a large plain of grass. "We'll start you off in a simple area. Since its your first time we let you get use to conditions." Iceer said as Yiachi and Skorge hopped into the arena. They both pulled out their weapons and looked around. They once again saw a large glass surrounding the area with all the other students watching. "This should be interesting, two new kids fighting instead of a newbie and a train student." One of them said. "The fight will now begin." Iceer said as a horn went off.

          Skorge looked back at Yiachi to see him watching a raccoon. "Well, this should be simple enough." Skorge said pulling out his knife, than extended it into a sword. Yiachi looked back over at skorge and picked his bo-staff off the ground. He swung the blade and cut Yiachi across the chest. "Ow! What was that for?!" Yiachi whined. "We're fighting!" Skorge yelled swinging his sword again. Yiachi jumped back dodging it. "We are? Why didn't anyone tell me!" Yiachi called out. "We did, you just don't listen!" Skorge said running after Yiachi. 

          Skorge pointed his sword trying to stab Yiachi, but Yiachi spun his staff nailing Skorge in the head. He staggered back and readied his sword. Yiachi started twirling his bo-staff around like a maniac. "I'm gonna beat ya!" He called out swinging the staff hard enough to hear wind. Skorge ducked and swung the blade cutting Yiachi across the leg. "Ow, That hurts!" Yiachi said backing up. "No more holding back." Skorge said as he went invisible. "Oh no I can't see him again!" Yiachi cried out frantically swinging his bo-staff around the air hoping to him something. 

          Suddenly, Yiachi saw a Rock hurling towards his head and bashed it apart with ease. Yiachi head buzzing come from the rock and saw it was a beehive. Yiachi started to ran but ran into Skorge knocking them both over as the bee's attacked them. After several minutes of being stung they got up.  "Well that hurt." Yiachi said wincing. "Yeah, tell me about it." Skorge said turning around only to get hit in the head hard by Yiachi's bo-staff. Skorge fell over and rolled out of Yiachi's reach. "That was a cheap move!" Skorge said trying to keep himself from blacking out. "He never said we had to fight clean." Yiachi said sticking his tongue out at him.

          "Fine then i guess i'll be unfair too." Skorge said as he pulled out his pistol. "Wait, when did you get that?!" Yiachi said as Skorge fired into his chest several times. Yiachi fell over and rolled down a hill. Skorge looked over the edge but didn't see Yiachi anywhere. "My turn!" Yiachi called out. Skorge turned around to see Yiachi charging at him with his bo-staff broken in two. Skorge started shooting but Yiachi kept running taking every bullet. Yiachi started to hit him repeatedly making it nearly impossible to escape from the attack. After a few minutes Skorge plunged his knife into Yiachi's gut.

          Yiachi staggered back then slapped Skorge hard across the face.  Skorge hugged Yiachi around the waist and suplexed him over the edge of the cliff. Yiachi hit the ground with a large thud. Skorge jumped off the cliff onto Yiachi's Gut knocking the air out of him. Skorge picked up Yiachi and threw him into a rock while Yiachi sucked in for breath. Yiachi stood up as Skorge charged him.  Yiachi jumped over skorge pushing him into the rock head-first.

          Yiachi scrambled up the hill as Skorge chased him. When he reached the top of the hill Skorge grabbed him by the heel. Yiachi kicked himself free and skorge fell 30 feet to the floor landing flat on his back. Yiachi jumped off the cliff head first towards Skorge's chest, while picking up speed, ready to end the fight. Skorge rolled last second making yiachi land straight on the top of his head. Yiachi fell flat. "I think i'm done now." Yiachi said dazed before he passed out. "Looks like Skorge wins this fight." Iceer called out. Skorge looked to see all the other kids clapping for him.

         Skorge let out a sigh of relief as a person walked into the chamber. "Who are you?" Skorge asked breathing heavily. "My name is Spabber, i'm the doctor here." The man replied. "What kind of a name is Spabber?" Skorge asked. "What kind of a name is Skorge?" Spabber shot back. "I'ts a great name!" Skorge said offended. "Right, whatever." Spabber said as he help Yiachi to his feet. "I'm alright!" Yiachi said shooting up accidentally headbutting Skorge. "Ow!" They said together.

     "You both put up a decent fight." Spabber said as he started to treat their wounds.  "Decent i thought we did a good job!" Skorge said  angrily. "You wait till you see other students fight. They will put you to shame." Spabber replied as he finished healing their wounds. "I feel as good as a remade car!" Yiachi said happily. "Remade car?" Spabber asked a bit offended. " Its Yiachi's way of saying as good as new." Skorge said. "Right." Spabber said rolling his eyes as he walked away.

          "Well let's get going." Skorge said as they walked out of the arena. "If you would follow me." Iceer said  when they saw him. "Ok, where are we going?" Skorge asked. "Just follow me." Iceer replied already walking. They followed him into a room With several boards. "There are 8 boards in total here, each one is a graded system. The left side of the room has grades on combat, while the right side of the room is based on your intellect. The two boards in the middle are your average grade in both sections. The Combat section is graded on: 25% Skill, 25% improvement, and 50% on Rank in arena. Most people go off of the ranking in arena so we made that board the biggest.  For the intellect we grade on: 20% Classwork, 30% Tests, and 50% Field Assignments. Field Assignments is biggest as well." Iceer explained. 

          "Whats Ranked in arena and Field Assignments?" Skorge asked. "Ranked Arena is your placement in the Arena Charts. You can increase in there by beating people who are higher in the ranks then you are. Field Assignments can be seen the same as mission. We give you an assignment outside of school and you do it." Iceer replied. "Oh, so we get actual jobs to do, and we fight other students to see who's the best?" Skorge asked. "Yes, these should push kids to work harder." Iceer replied.  "Ok, so what now?" Yiachi said making Skorge, who had forgotten he was there, jump. 

          "Now you go home and rest. Tomorrow you will be given a few tests to see where you should start on the intellectual boards." Iceer replied. "Oh, and your numbers were added into the board already." Iceer said as he walked out. "Lets see here. I am in spot number 12,736?!" Skorge said shocked. "Hey look i got rank 12,737. That means I'm right behind you!" Yiachi said cheerfully. "Skorges head sank. "I think imma just go home and rest." Skorge said sulkily as they walked out of the room. "Cool, Where is our room?" Yiachi asked looking around.

          "Um, We should ask." Skorge said looking around. "I think the principal went back to his office." Said someone from behind them. They turned around to see a kid creeping towards them. "Oh, okay." Skorge said looking for a way to get away from the kid. "Thanks, I'm Yiachi." Yiachi said holding his hand out to the stranger. "Didn't anyone ever tell you not to take a stranger's hand?" The kid said taking it. "They also told me not to bite a beehive, but i survived." Yiachi replied, letting go of his hand. "You funny kid. My name is Lakiin." The man said with a maniacal laugh after he was finished talking. "But, i wasn't joking." Yiachi said, as lakiin walked past them ignoring them.

          "Let's go the the office before another weirdo shows up." Skorge said. "I think he was a nice kid." Yiachi said following Skorge. "Yiachi, You think anyone who steals candy is a nice person." Skorge replied annoyed. "Hey, you know they just have a sweet tooth!" Yiachi argued. "Were done talking." Skorge said as the reached the tower. "Let's take the elevator." Skorge said as he walked behind the tower to see a note on it. The note read: 'Elevator under maintenance.' Skorge groaned and proceeded to go up the stairs.

          When Skorge reached the top he saw Yiachi was already there.  "How did you get up here so fast this time?!" Skorge said in disbelief. "Elevator." Yiachi replied. "But, the note said it was out of order!" Skorge replied. "The note was a lie." Iceer replied. "And, you know i don't read!" Yiachi said laughing. Skorge sighed then looked at Iceer. "Look, its been a long day. Can we just have the keys to our rooms?" Skorge asked. "Here you go one key for both of you. You two will be roomate along with 2 other students." Iceer replied. 

          "You're not gonna give Yiachi a key?" Skorge asked. "I don't think that's a good idea." Iceer said. "Fair point, Let's go Yiachi." Skorge said as he walked back down the stairs. "What about the elevator?!" Yiachi called down to him. "Screw the damn elevator!" Skorge shouted back. After several minutes Skorge found the room and entered it. Inside he saw a person wearing a hood and a cloak laying on one of the beds and in the small kitchen he saw Lakiin making a peanut butter sandwich with a cleaver. "This is gonna be a long year." Skorge sighed as he shut the door.

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