New Day, New Friend

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          After several hours they were finally able to take the taser from Yiachi. "Your a freak with that thing." Skorge said leaning over trying to catch his breath. "If i see you with another thing like that i'm going to shoot you." Banshi said. "For once i'm on Banshi's side, Yiachi doesn't need things like that." Haiwato said wincing. "You guys are no fun." Yiachi pouted. "You're too dangerous!" Skorge said. Yiachi pulled out a second taser and through it to Skorge's inner thigh. Skorge jumped and banshi pulled out his pistol and put a bullet into Yiachi's skull. Haiwato took the taser as Yiachi got up.

          "Worth it!" Yiachi said smiling. "Well, we got a mission to sign up for we'll see you guys later." Banshi said walking out of the room. "Let's head out into the courtyard." Yiachi suggested walking out of the room as well. They went outside and looked around. "Hm, Diachi is no where in sight." Skorge said. "There's Lakiin picking up a girl, and now he's being assaulted by the girl." Yiachi pointed out. "We'll that's his fault for literally lifting a random girl. He needs better people skills." Skorge said sighing. "We should help him!" Yiachi said. 

          "I'll pass." Skorge replied. "Fine, then ill help him." Yiachi said stubbornly. "How can you help him, you have trouble tying your shoes!" Skorge said. "No I don't, I weak velcro!" Yiachi argued, "And if i'm bad at making friends why do you have none while i have plenty?." Skorge went silent. "Forever alone." Yiachi whispered in his ear. "I really hate you sometimes." Skorge said with a bit of a squeak in his voice. "Oh that voice is so adorable!" Yiachi said. Skorge sighed and walked away.

          Yiachi ran after him. "What should we do today? The only person we know is kugo and Lakiin." Yiachi said. "Fair point i guess we can try to meet some more people?" Skorge said. "On it!" Yiachi said as he walked towards a random girl. "Oh this should be interesting." Skorge said standing back to watch. After several seconds the girl kicked Yiachi in the crotch making him fall over. Skorge walked over. "So what did you tell her." He asked. "I said i was looking for someone to be real good friends with, I don't get why she kicked me" Yiachi said getting up. "You should learn to phrase things better that sentence sounded a bit wrong. Skorge said.

          "It doesn't matter, I'm so determined even death couldn't stop me." Yiachi said as he walked over to another girl. Yiachi started talking to the girl and they walked over to Skorge. "A girl that didn't attack Yiachi? Consider me impressed." Skorge said when they came near. "It's hard to hit someone who suddenly said 'Please don't kick me in the crotch' as if it's a normal thing." The girl replied. "Fair enough." Skorge said nodding."

          "My name is Jessica." The girl said. "Nice to meet ya i'm Skorge and that's Yiachi." Skorge said. "Well its nice to see people who actually get along and not pretend it." Jessica said. "Oh trust me, I don't have a say in the matter of being his friend and neither do you anymore." Skorge said as they  both laughed. "He wasn't kidding." Yiachi said putting a hand around both of their shoulders. "A forced friendship? That's a first." Jessica said raising her eyebrows. "So what makes you special?" Skorge asked. "I have Telekinesis." Jessica replied. "Whats Cele kenesis, Is it a bloody rampage?" Yiachi asked. "Its pronounced Psychokinesis. Its the ability to control things with your mind but it takes some physical ability." Skorge explained. 

          "That doesn't sound to bad." Yiachi said. "It can be very deadly. I can throw objects at you or destroy your brain with it." Jessica said. "But an you catch cars." Yiachi said as the ground started to get covered in a shadow. "Oh crap!" Skorge yelled as he tackled Jessica away from Yiachi as a car crushed him. "What just happened?!" Jessica said bewildered. "Yiachi loves to crush himself and others under vehicles. He's even done it with; Monster Trucks, Trains and Planes." Skorge coughed through all the dust. All the students gathered around the car trying to see what happened.

          "How does he even do that?!" Jessica asked running over to the car. "Beats me but we need to get him out of there before-" Skorges words were cut off as the car caught on fire. "Get back the cars gonna blow!" Jessica said as everyone ran. "The car went off with a huge explosion as Yiachi stood in the smoke. Yiachi started to cough and hunch over. "That. Was. Awesome!" Yiachi said as he fell over. "You're insane!" Jessica said laughing. "Without the insane, who would we have to make the world look more sane?" Yiachi asked as he got up almost unscratched. "Your completely unharmed too!" Skorge said. "Oh yeah, I think this necklace thingy has been healing me." Yiachi said showing off the amulet Diachi gave him.

          "Wow, you got real lucky Yiachi you could have been seriously hurt!" Skorge said. "Hey, lighten up. He looks perfectly healthy!" Jessica said walking over to him with a ton of other kids. Yiachi slipped under the crowd and ran. "Its to crowded!" Yiachi yelled as he ran back to the room. Skorge walked back with him. After several hours Banshi and Haiwato came back. "Hey guys big news!" Haiwato said as he walked in. "What is it?" Skorge asked.

          "The school is going to host a team tournament!" Haiwato said. "Me and Banshi are gonna join. You should totally come and watch!" He continued. "Maybe we should join too!" Yiachi said. "No offense Yiachi but you guys suck at fighting you shouldn't join if you know what's good for you." Banshi warned them. "I think we'll be fine. We always do well as a team don't we Skorge? What do you think we should do?" Yiachi asked. "Well, That's a tough decision." Skorge said. He thought about it then came up with his answer.

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