The Final Confrontation

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          Diachi pulled out his sword and pointed it at Iceer. Banshi stood up next to him and pulled out her guns. Yiachi stumbled and got up and pointed a turtle shell at Iceer. ¨Wait, isn't that?¨ Banshi asked. ¨Snuggles is gonna fight with us till the end!¨ Yiachi said as he ran at Iceer raising the turtle shell. Iceer kicked Yiachi to the side sending him skidding across the dirt. ¨You know, sometimes i feel like a comic relief hero with the way everyone just kicks me around.¨ Yiachi mumbled setting the turtle shell on his head then crossing his arms.

          ¨Well it's hard to take you seriously when you act like that.¨ Iceer said deflecting Banshi's bullets as he kept Diachi's sword at bay. ¨Hey Yiachi, how come you're not using you sand to attack?!¨Diachi yelled. ¨Why don't you just attack his soul like you did with Kugo?¨ Yiachi yelled back trying to stand up. ¨Unfortunately, I can't use it until my Divine Energy is restored. It was completely drained when i used it to crush Kugo's soul.

         ¨Well isn't that convenient!¨ Yiachi moaned as he ran at Iceer again. Iceer kicked him across the floor. Yiachi hopped back to his feet and charged at Iceer again just to get kicked across the floor. They repeated this several more times. ¨What exactly are you getting accomplished out of this.¨ Iceer asked raising an eyebrow as Yiachi charged at him again. ¨I am slowly exhausting you.¨ Yiachi said as he got kicked across the sand again. ¨You're not really wearing me out, more like just annoying me.¨ Iceer said as Yiachi charged him again. 

          Iceer kicked out at Yiachi again, but Yiachi grab his leg and fell over breaking it. ¨See, I wore out your brain!¨ Yiachi said as Iceer shouted in pain. Iceer span around and kicked Yiachi across the dirt with his other leg before standing back up trying to keep his weight off his bad leg. ¨I didn't think an idiot like you could come up with a plan like that.¨ Iceer said putting pressure on his broken leg until it made a snapping sound. ¨Oh you liked that did you? Well then you'll love this.¨ Yiachi said as Iceer started deflecting more of Banshi's bullets.

          Yiachi stomped making a pole of hard sand shoot out of the ground from under Iceer and hit him in the crotch while raising him. Banshi shot him off of the pole as Diachi stabbed him from behind. Diachi pulled the blade out as Iceer slowly got up. ¨I actually feel that. Consider me impressed.¨ Iceer said ignoring the wound in his stomach. Yiachi charged and tackled Iceer to the floor and struggled to pin him down. Iceer raised his knee and hit Yiachi in the chin making him fall off. Iceer quickly rolled towards Banshi and swept her legs from under her feet.

          Iceer stuck his sword at Banshi's face but was blocked off by a wall of sand. ¨Yo Diachi, lets see what happens when we work together!¨ Yiachi yelled. ¨Alright then.¨ Diachi said getting ready to strike. Sand wrapped around Iceers leg and started to swing him around. Every time the sand would swing a thick ice wall would form and Iceer would smash right through it. ¨Here we go!¨ Yiachi yelled as the sand tossed Iceer into the air. ¨Right!¨ Diachi said jumping off one of the ice towers and kicking Iceer into a pit of icy spiked and sand crushing traps. ¨Now you're toast!¨ Yiachi yelled as Ice and sand wrapped around Iceer and quickly crushed him. Diachi snapped making the large orb explode blasting Diachi, Yiachi, and Banshi with a large gust of wind.

          Diachi and Banshi stood their ground as Yiachi flew back several feet. Diachi watches as Iceer got back up beaten and bloody. ¨This is starting to become a pain.¨ Diachi said as he dusted off his shoulders. He wasn't affected by that?!¨ Banshi said stepping back. ¨It doesn't matter!¨ Diachi yelled raising his sword over his head as he leaped at Iceer. Diachi swung the sword at Iceers head but Iceer caught the sword by the blade. Yiachi broke out of the ground from behind Iceer and hugged him. 

          ¨What are you doing?¨ Iceer asked looking behind him. ¨I'm doing the one thing I do best!¨ Yiachi yelled. ¨What would that be, showing your enemy love?¨ Iceer asked raising an eyebrow. ¨Hah! You wish!¨ Yiachi said as he tightened his grip then suplexed Iceer. Iceer stopped the suplex by landing on his hands, twisting free of Yiachi's grip, and kicking him into the ground. ¨Sneaky attack, but useless in the end.¨ Iceer said getting back to his feet. ¨What are you some, some over trained demon?!¨ Yiachi yelled from inside the hole. ¨I just know how to train my body unlike all the other amateurs that went to the school.¨ Iceer replied.

          Iceer turned around as Diachi put his hand on his chest. Iceer tried to step back but slowly began to freeze. ¨Looks like you really did have the guts to kill me then.¨ Iceer said with a chuckle. ¨What is that suppose to mean.¨ Banshi said as she walked over to him. ¨Diachi was holding back this entire fight because he didn't have the guts to actually kill me.¨ Iceer said before he was completely covered in ice. ¨Huh, sounds legit. So, we just gonna leave him frozen forever?¨ Yiachi asked pulling himself out of the ground. ¨That's my plan.¨ Diachi said sheathing his sword. ¨Yeah, fuck that.¨ Banshi said shooting the frozen figure in the head shattering Iceer into pieces.

           Diachi stared at the pieces until they sunk into the ground. ¨Well, i guess it was best to leave my father's death to someone more heartless.¨ Diachi said with a sigh. ¨Oh shut up. If I didn't do that he would have thawed out eventually and i'm not going through all of that again.¨ Banshi said putting her guns away before falling into a sitting position. ¨So what do we do now.¨ Yiachi asked looking at them. ¨I'm going my own separate way and I will be living in an isolated area. However, I still have to find and kill the surviving students. This is where I say goodbye.¨ Diachi said sheathing his sword and walking away.

          ¨Well I guess he's gone isn't he. Well what's your plan?¨ Banshi said looking at Yiachi with a weak smile. ¨Well I think i need to go off alone and deal with my family issues. So i'm gonna drive off into the sunset and Crash into the sun!¨ Yiachi said with a challenging smile on his face. ¨With what car?¨ Banshi asked as the sand Around them formed a car and Yiachi hopped into it. ¨Take care Yiachi, I'm gonna miss you.¨ Banshi said with a smile. ¨Don't worry, after i hit the sun iĺl probably go to some town and live my life as a singer.¨ Yiachi said. ¨I don't see that happening.¨ Banshi chuckled as Yiachi started driving towards the sunset. ¨Well I guess it's time for me to start a new life now that i've lost everything.¨ Banshi sighed as she started walking towards the town she was raised in. ¨After all, everyone thinks Chasity is dead and the only people who know Banshi will likely never be heard from again.¨ Banshi said as she threw her hood over her head.

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