Confronting Iceer

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          Diachi got into the elevator with Yiachi and started their way up. ¨Just be careful. Immortal or not there are things worse then death.¨ Diachi warned him. ¨I know that, i've felt things worse then death.¨ Yiachi said waving him off. The elevator stopped and they walked into Iceers office. ¨I see you came to visit? This was quite a surprise visit.¨ Iceer said. ¨Knock it off, we both know why I am here.¨ Diachi responded pulling out his sword. Iceer let out a soft smile as he pulled out a blade the color of crimson. ¨Always straight to the point. Very well I guess i have no choice but to kill you and your other 4 friends.¨ Iceer said.

          ¨That isn't going to happen. I don't plan on letting you get past me.¨ Diachi replied. ¨Well see how far you get.¨ Iceer said. ¨Gotcha!¨ Yiachi yelled as he hopped onto Iceers back. He backed up slamming Yiachi against the side of his deck. Yiachi fell off as Diachi ran at Iceer. Diachi swung his blade at Iceers head. Iceer ducked and swung his sword disarming Diachi. ¨You may be the best in this school, but you are nowhere near beating me.¨ Iceer said swinging the sword at Diachi.

          Yiachi hopped in the way taking the hit. Diachi span around Yiachi and sliced Iceer across the chest. Iceer staggered back before steadying himself. ¨You hopped in the way of your friend to take a fatal blow?¨ Iceer said looking at Yiachi was was bleeding on the floor. ¨Well of course, I take care of my friends from all danger after all, the worse that will happen to me is extreme agony.¨ Yiachi said hopping to his feet. ¨And yet, you took my hit like it was nothing.¨ Iceer said switching his sword to a backhanded wield.

          ¨Hehe, I guess you'll have to try harder to hurt me won't you.¨ Yiachi said with a wink. ¨It seems so.¨ Iceer said as he suddenly appear in front of Yiachi sticking his sword through Yiachi's chest. ¨That's gonna leave a mark!¨ Yiachi groaned as Iccer lifted Yiachi and swung his sword through a window and pinned Yiachi outside by sticking his sword into a wall. ¨Don't worry about me i guess ill just hang around.¨ Yiachi said as he failed to remove the sword from a wall or his chest. Iceer pulled out another sword from behind his desk as Diachi charges him. Iceer ducked and kicked Diachi into the roof then, he kicked Diachi into a wall as he fell back down. ¨Unlike most fools, i'm not going to give you a second chance. I'm afraid this is where you die child.¨ Iceer said as he walked over to Diachi twirling his sword.

          ¨Perfect.¨ Diachi said as he spun and flipped back to his feet making ice and wind fill the room and blow Iceer  into the air. Diachi hopped up and kicked Iceer though the window. Diachi jumped out the window and pulled the sword out of Yiachi's chest making him fall to the floor. ¨Ow.¨ Yiachi moaned. Diachi landed next to him and looked over to see Iceer approaching them holding Diachi's sword. Diachi picked the crimson colored blade off the floor and ran at Iceer. Iceer swung the sword at Diachi's feet. Diachi slid under the blade and sliced Iceers calf.

          Iceer staggered and stabbed at Diachi. Diachi blocked the attack but, the sword cut though his making it cut across his chest. ¨Don't play with bulls!¨ Yiachi yelled. Iceer turned around as Yiachi headbutted him in the chest with a loud thud. ¨Two things. First off, I think i heard his ribs crack! Second off, Ow, my head!¨  Yiachi said falling over holding the top of his head. Diachi ran past him, jumped into the air, and kicked Iceer in the face. Iceer flew back several feet but regained his balance and landed on his feet.

          Iceer charged at Diachi and started to swing his sword quickly. Diachi leaned from side to side as he backed up dodging every attack. Diachi jumped backwards as Icicles shot out of the ground at Iceer. He cut them apart as Yiachi got back up. Yiachi charged at him swinging his fists while looking away. Iceer stepped to the side and tripped him. Yiachi landed on his hand, spun, and slammed his heel against Iceers face. Iceer fell backwards with a bloody nose. ¨What?!¨ He yelled. ¨What do you take me for an idiot?¨ Yiachi said with a dark smirk. Iceer got up and stared at Yiachi. ¨Who are you? You aren't the kid i was fighting a few minutes ago.¨ he said glaring at Yiachi. ¨Whats the matter? You seem scared of something. Is it the fact that i'm not a complete idiot like everyone thought?¨  Yiachi asked as he approached Iceer.

          ¨What are you talking about.¨ Iceer said raising an eyebrow. ¨I was faking being an idiot this whole time. I love being stupid so i pretend to be. However you pissed me off so i think its time to stop acting and get to killing.¨ Yiachi said pulling his bo staff out of the ground. The bo staff how had a blade attached to it. ¨Shut up, you will never beat me!¨ Iceer said gripping his sword tightly. ¨Oh? I can't wait for you to come and shut me up. So try it.¨ Yiachi said with a evil smile. ¨It's about time you stopped fooling around.¨ Diachi said with a smile. ¨Oh you knew?¨ Yiachi asked. ¨Only an idiot would fall for that emotional masking.¨ Diachi said as they turned back towards Iceer.

          ¨Well i'm quite surprised however you seem to be attracting quite a crowd.¨ Iceer pointed out. Diachi looked around to see the students start to gather around. He heard whispers of confusion in the crowd. ¨Everyone the students you see in front of me are traitors to the school. All of you have one mission today and that is to kill the traitors. Do not hold back for they will try to kill you without mercy. They have shown acts of terrorism and genocide, lets show them what happens when you try to betray the school.¨ Iceer called out. Iceer walked through the crowd as the students surrounded them making escape impossible. ¨Oh why can't things ever go our way.¨ Yiachi said throwing his bo staff on the ground.

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