Punishment VS. Immortality

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          Diachi hopped on someone's back and kicked them in the face. Yiachi looked around and saw a few of the students were dead, while several others were hurt and worn out. ¨That's enough.¨ Kugo said walking to the crowd. ¨Get out of my way Diachi is mine to kill.¨ He continued. ¨Who's blood is that?¨ Diachi said as Kugo walked past the crowd. ¨Oh just some of your buddies, you know Haiwato and Skorge.¨ Kugo said with a smirk. Yiachi froze and looked at Kugo. ¨Skorge isn't dead. He can't be, that would break the logic here.¨ Yiachi said his eyes widening.

          ¨I don't know what you mean but he died, I left him to choke to death. I hope you chose the right words before you left.¨ Kugo said with a smirk. ¨Diachi! It's no use Kugo knows Divine Punishment!¨ Banshi yelled as she ran up to the crowd. ¨ Banshi said. Diachi looked back over to see Yiachi charging at Kugo. ¨Oh did i hurt the baby's feelings?¨ Kugo said dodging the punch. A sand spike shot out of the ground skewered Kugo through his back. ¨You sly asshole.¨ Kugo said pulling himself out and coughing up blood. ¨I am going to tear you into pieces.¨ Yiachi said as he turned around, his eyes glowing red.

          ¨Well this is new.¨ Kugo said readying his sword. ¨But, i have no time to play with you. Divine Punishment: Dark Crusher.¨ Kugo said as Darkness wrapped around Yiachi and closed in on him. As the darkness vanished they saw a Sand cocoon in Yiachi's place. The cocoon cracked open and Yiachi stepped out of it. ¨That was pathetic. Step up your game if you're so powerful.¨ Yiachi said clenching his fists. ¨Alright you arrogant brat. I'll show you what happens to those who oppose me!¨ Kugo yelled as darkness started smacking Yiachi across the floor, then pick him up and slammed him into the floor.

          Sand lifted and pried the darkness off of Yiachi. Yiachi lifted his bo staff off the ground and ran at Kugo. ¨Is that all?¨ Yiachi asked as a wall of sand slammed into Kugo sending him flying into one of the buildings walls. Kugo got up and ran at Yiachi. Kugo swung his blade at Yiachi's neck as he jumped forward. Yiachi ducked under the sword and span around to face him. Yiachi threw a large pile of sand at Kugo. Kugo swatted it out of the way with a dark barrier. ¨Divine Punishment: Illusionary.¨ Kugo said as he looked Yiachi in the eyes.

          Yiachi hopped and kicked Kugo across the face. ¨What?! How did you see through my disguise!¨ Kugo said as he stumbled. ¨Well for starters, you clearly said what you were trying to do. Along with that, its nearly impossible to manipulate a a head as brain-dead as mine.¨ Yiachi replied with a wink. ¨Divine Punishment: Dark Control!" Kugo said waving his arm around rapidly, making darkness smack into Yiachi repeatedly. Kugo heard a scream and looked over to see Diachi and Banshi attacking the other students. Kugo looked at a large pile of bodies before looking back to Yiachi.

     Yiachi spun his bo staff then charged at Kugo. Kugo kicked Yiachi in his hand then knee, disarming him then breaking his legs. Yiachi fell to his knees before spinning upside down and standing on his hands. Yiachi started to kick at Kugo, who ducked and dodged every hit. ¨What are you doing? Do you think this is some sort of game?!¨ Kugo yelled. ¨Well, I have nothing to worry about except some pain. So, Why would i take you seriously?¨ Yiachi asked.  ¨Your begging for this.¨ Kugo said as he span and tripped Yiachi making him fall on his face.

          Kugo moved his hand and pointed at Yiachi as Darkness slammed itself into Yiachi several times breaking his bones. ¨Still wanna mess around with me you idiot?¨ Kugo said as darkness slammed into Yiachis chest making a loud crunching sound. ¨Let me answer your question with a question. Do you know how hard it is to stop me?¨ Yiachi asked as Sand wrapped around him then broke apart as Yiachi walked out of it as if he was never hit. Kugo glared at Yiachi as he smirked. ¨You ok buddy? You look thirsty. Maybe i should get you some water if you're already tired.¨ Yiachi teased.

          ¨Shut up and die already!¨ Kugo shouted as several dark spears shpt through Yiachis chest, neck, and gut. ¨Well that was rude. You need to be taught some manners.¨ Yiachi teased as he forced the spears to go completely through himself. ¨I'm starting to hate you more by the minute.¨ Kugo said with a light growl. ¨And that's where we are different. You hate me more while I can't hate you any more than I already do after what you done to my friends.¨ Yiachi said his smile fading as he started to lose his sanity. ¨And i think it's finally time to break you!¨ Yiachi yelled in fury.

          Yiachi got up and charged at Kugo. Kugo flipped over him as Yiachi span and made a sand spike. Kugo landed on the spike and screamed as it ripped through his chest. Yiachi jumped on Kugos gut making him fall further into the spike. Kugo exploded in a large radius of darkness. Yiachi flew into the air and landed on a pit of spikes. Yiachi coughed up blood as a thick wall of darkness fell on him crushing him and breaking several bones in his body. 

          ¨Yiachi, I think that's enough from you. Let me handle him., I don't want to see you act this way.¨ Diachi said. ¨That's fine, I think imma lay here a while. Just make sure you kick his ass.¨ Yiachi moaned before fainting. ¨Well it looks like the fight comes down to us.¨ Diachi said. ¨What can you do against a person as godly as me.¨ Kugo said with a smirk. ¨I think it's time to shut you up.¨ Diachi said as the ground around them froze. Icicles shot out of the ground around Diachi as his eyes started to glow with a light blue aura around him. ¨If you want to live you better come at me with all you got.¨ Diachi said as the area around him went out with an explosion tearing out a chunk of the ground.

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