The Mission Begins

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           Skorge woke up to see Yiachi and Diachi talking at a table. ¨Good to see your finally awake, can you wake up the other two for us.¨ Diachi asked before talking to Yiachi again. Skorge walked over the the beds and shook Haiwato awake. Haiwato sprung out of bed in a pair of boxers. ¨Time to get dressed Diachi's already here.¨ Skorge said walking over to wake up Banshi. ¨Touch me and i'll break your arms.¨ Banshi said staying on her side. ¨Well Diachi's here, he wants us to wake up.¨ Skorge said keeping his distance. Banshi rolled and got out of bed still wearing her cloak.

          They all gathered around the table and stared at Diachi waiting to see what he had to say. ¨We will attack the medical areas first. Since they can heal any wound they will be the biggest problem. That also means that after we kill them they wont be able to heal us either. Just another reason to take these fights seriously.¨ Diachi said. ¨So, if we lose we really will die then.¨ Banshi said. ¨Yes. After that i want you, Haiwato, and Skorge to start attacking the Students.¨ Diachi said. ¨What about you?¨ Skorge asked raising an eyebrow. ¨Me and Yiachi will go straight for my father. If we don't catch him off guard it could mean trouble for us. However keep an eye out for Zeisumie. He will be a tough fight. So don't give him a chance to team up with the students or you won't stand a chance.

          ¨Well i think we got the idea. Go for the doctors then go for the students.¨ Banshi said nodding to herself.  ¨I think i got a plan to kill the doctor without him getting suspicious.¨ Skorge said. ¨Alright let's hear it.¨ Diachi said. ¨No, just follow my lead and trust me. Yiachi might ruin it if he knows the plan.¨ Skorge said. ¨Banshi were gonna help you into the office, you need to pretend your leg is broken.¨ Skorge said. Banshi slowly nodded as she figured out his plan. ¨I call dibs on leg breaking!¨ Yiachi called. ¨Yiachi ill break all your bones if you as much as come within 5 feet of me.¨ Banshi threatened. Yiachi stepped back raising his hands.

          Within 10 minutes they were outside of the doctors office. ¨Okay me and Haiwato will take her in.¨ Skorge said. ¨In that case me and Yiachi will go and begin the attack. Be ready when you get out of here.¨ Diachi said dragging Yiachi along as he walked off.  Skorge opened the door as Banshi grabbed on both of their shoulders for support. They all walked in as Spabber looked over at them. ¨What happened to her?¨ Spabber asked.

          ¨Yiachi pushed her through a window.¨ Skorge replied. ¨That retard managed to push someone as skilled as Banshi out a window?¨ Spabber said raising an eyebrow. ¨Don't get between Yiachi and some brownies. He can get very violent trust me on that.¨ Haiwato said with a shudder.  ¨You got some weird friends. Go and wait at the bed for me ill get the X-ray ready.¨ Spabber said with a sigh. When he got back everyone was sitting around waiting. ¨All right lets get this over with. Let me see your leg.¨ Spabber said.

          ¨Ok.¨ Banshi said as she swung her leg high striking Spabber in the face.  Haiwato and Skorge quickly leaped down and pinned Spabber's arms to the ground. ¨What is going on here!¨ Spabber yelled. ¨That doesn't matter to a dead man!¨ Banshi said as she quickly brought a dagger to his face. ¨Whats going on out here?¨ A soft voice came from within one of the rooms. They looked over to see a kid walk out into the hallway. The color drained from his face as he looked and saw the dead doctor being stood on from the 3 kids. ¨Oh hey Jeremy.¨ Haiwato said with an uneasy grin on his face.

          ¨What's going on is there something up with this kid?¨ Skorge whispered to Banshi. ¨He is the loudest screamer in this school. Someone will hear him if we try anything.¨ Banshi replied. ¨What happened in here? Did you guys kill him?¨ Jeremy asked looking at the corpse. ¨Of course we didn't. Jeremy someone must have been trying to attack someone in this room. We need you to gather everyone in this building and bring them out here to help us figure out whats going on.¨ Haiwato said. Jeremy nodded then ran back down the hall running into every room. Every couple of rooms another kid would seem to spread the word.

          After 10 minutes everyone in the building was gathered in front of them. ¨As you all know there was an attack in this building and Spabber was the victim. Im sure whoever did this is after one of us. All I can say is i'm sorry.¨ Banshi said. ¨The kids looked around whispering to each other. Banshi pressed a button and several pieces of C4 went off from under the ground killing all of the people in the group. ¨We need to get moving before someone sees were in here. I'm sure someone heard the explosion.¨ Banshi said running straight for a window. Haiwato and Skorge ran after her. They ducked behind one of the buildings and caught their breath. ¨That was intense.¨ Skorge sighed.

          ¨I completely agree! you three committing mass murder on defenseless kids who were sick. How tough can you get!¨ Kugo said from above them. They stepped back and looked up to see Kugo sitting on the roof smiling at them. ¨So how's your little genocide plan going?" Kugo asked still smiling. ¨So you knew?¨ Haiwato asked. ¨Of course i knew! I was listening to every word you said.¨ Kugo chuckled in reply. ¨And yet, you didn't tell anyone?¨ Skorge asked. 

          ¨No for two reasons. One, I wanted to see if you would stick to your plan or if you would chicken out like the cowards i thought you were. Apparently i was wrong. Two, I would rather kill you with my own hands instead of being a snitch. Now i'm going to get back at you two for the tournament and i'm going to kill you all slowly just so you can feel the pain as i laugh. But, my favorite part will be seeing you all struggle as i kill your friends before you. So the big question is, Who do I kill first?¨ Kugo said pulling out a black blade with a dark aura.

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