Book 4⌇1. Trick or Treat?

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Chapter 1 ∣  Trick or Treat?


Two Years Before Exile

"Trick or Treat?!?!?!" My voice chimes in with the group of vampires from our coven and a very close aligned one. The glow from the open-door bathes us, my eyes lingering on the bowl full of blood-laced candy, my little sister butting in front of me.

Our parents did not want us going to a human-populated area...not for our safety...but for theirs.

I'm seven.

Seven is a lucky number and I can tell it's going to be a good year.

"Lucette!!" I growl at her as she turns her head, sticking her tongue out at me and laughing as I glare at her. She giggles, the woman standing before us scooping a handful of candy and letting it fall into Lucette's open candy bag. Quickly moving out of my way, she runs toward our mother and father, my mother looking down into her open candy bag as she shows her the spoils that this house had given her. Her white hair reaches just above her waist, her sage green eyes sparkling with delight, my mother's whitish-blue eyes reflecting at her.

"Maverick!" I hear my name coming from my left. As I open my candy bag, I turn my eyes and see the aligned coven leader's son, Rook. His short cut white hair and citrine amber eyes locking onto me. He waves at me with a wide grin, his small fangs poking out between his lips. After thanking the woman, I close my bag and sprint toward my friend, my grin beaming as I proudly show him the amount of candy I had collected so far.

Rook laughs and then shows me how he already has double my loot, "You gotta keep up!"

"Rook..." I narrow my eyes.

"Maverick?" He laughs, pulling his candy away from my sight.

"Rook," I sigh, aware his father Erebus and mother Isabella had ventured out much earlier than mine, as it took Lucette a lot longer than I thought to get ready in her little princess costume.

"Maverick?" His eyes lift away from mine.

"Lucette!" Uh oh.

Before I can turn around, my little sister tackles me to the ground, Rook sidestepping out of our way as she lands on my back.

"Awe, is your sister picking on you?" I bring my face away from the grass and notice Arlynn standing next to her father, her eyes drifting from mine and then to Lucette. Her fiery red hair and gorgeous emerald eyes make her look extremely pretty. Rook snickers and looks away innocently with his bag behind his back.

"So nice of you to actually come out of the house for the evening, Flynn," my grandfather's voice makes us all turn to look at him as he holds my grandmother under his arm, arching a brow as we all look nervous.

"Oh, little Arlynn," my grandmother's expression is sweet, "you look more like your aunt every day. It's really good to see you."

Arlynn isn't allowed to hang out with us that often. Her mother was killed by a rogue vampire when she was just a year old. When she was three, she showed the same skills that her aunt apparently possessed. Now a year later, she already has the hard look of someone being deprived of a childhood. She will one day be the future commander of whoever leads this coven and she is being trained while we are all allowed to play.

I'm allowed to play, but Orion will teach me how to control my blood magic, as my father is adamant about me gaining control over it. That's mainly the reason we aren't allowed to go trick or treating in the human neighborhoods. He's afraid I'll let my emotions get the best of me and accidentally hurt or...kill one. I haven't yet...but every time I see a human, I do wonder how easy it would be to break it...

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