Book 4⌇19. Protecting Him

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Chapter 19 ∣  Protecting Him


I watch my beloved sentence Maverick to a life of seclusion, his ultimatum making my temper flare when Killian knocks him out cold.

"Lucca!" I growl, but he turns toward the other coven leaders. "Don't look away from me..." I glare dangerously at him.

"You're exiling your son?" One of the leaders asks, but I can see the silent consensus among the ones who are here, agreeing that Maverick is too much of a danger to stay within these walls. He's a child! I won't let him do this.

You may be the King...

...but I'm the damn angry Queen.

Storming to where my son had fallen, his steady breathing is so silent I can barely hear it. Kneeling and lifting him into my arms I shoot Killian the nastiest look in the world. He flinches for a second, but when I glower, "Get Kenzie and come with me."

"Evie..." he starts.

This isn't an option, I'm ordering you to come with!

Evie, what are yo-

I said NOW!

Killian follows behind me, my father asking as we pass him, "Where ar-"

"Fuck off," I spit back at him. His surprised look is all I need to know that everyone is sympathizing and not seeing how messed up this was...what Lucca is doing...this is not something anyone, let alone a child should go through.

"Evie," my father's voice is stern and I just glare at him. Turning to him, I just can't find the words, afraid I will lash out just like my son and I don't want to do anything I'll regret.

"Don't you ever us that fucking shit on anyone again..."

My father narrows his eyes and states, "He was going to kill...yes, KILL Lucca. I'm not standing by while he loses control."

"Get rid of it," I turn away from him, "you live with fear. That's why he's turned out this way. Because you ALL have made him believe he is this uncontrollable monster! I thought I'd never forgive you if you turned Zak. But now, I can't believe you're treating your own grandson this way."


"I hate you," that stings, considering it has taken him forever to earn my trust and now it is faltering in the ones that should love my son. I'll be damned if I stand back anymore and I'm going to make sure Lucca can never find his son again...

...even if I can't see him either.

I storm out to the backyard, seeing Clover and Ryker standing near one of the trees, "Get out of my sight before I kill you both."

They flee in less than a second, Killian right behind me and from what I can tell, he's already communicated with Kenzie. She is shaken, walking near us as we stand near the fence, Tamsin filled with fear, her eyes welling with tears at all the yelling. She gasps, seeing Maverick the way he is, she doesn't know what is happening.

I turn to Killian and state, "You will protect him."

"What?" He is taken aback, staring at me like I have grown a second head. Kenzie picks Tamsin up into her arms, her eyes darting between the two of us.

"You owe me," I hold Maverick close to me, feeling his small body in my arms.

I 'm on the verge of tears because I know this will be the last time, I ever see my little man. I'll never hold him in my arms again. I'll never kiss him goodnight. I'll never celebrate another one of his birthdays. I'll never get the chance to see him grow up to be the man I know he can be.

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