Book 4⌇28. The Lake

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Chapter 28 ∣  The Lake


It was about four or five weeks after that night we spent together, that I could sense a shift in the way Tamsin acts. Whenever we exchange our usual sarcastic counters in our conversations, if she couldn't think of something, she'd get extremely irritated and get mad at me.

The escalation only rose higher in fleeting moments when she was arguing with her parents about something. It wasn't normal, the way she was acting. She'd never reacted this way before and when I finally snapped back at her, she started to cry. Running away from everyone, she would hide away in her room, crying for absolutely no reason. I could tell it was getting to Kenzie, her worried and innate mother instinct heightened, but Tamsin wouldn't let her set foot in her room.

Her mother had even gone as far as to try and sneak up on her, but that ended in a screaming match that even Killian and I were seeking refuge away from.

Is this what normal teenage girls go through?

Must be the hormones...

We are supposed to be going down to a nearby lake later this evening, Killian thinking it will be good for Tamsin to get out and get some fresh air. Staying inside is hurting all of us, especially since we aren't allowed to leave without a chaperone.

Cabin fever shall we say?

"Tamsin, come on," Kenzie is situated outside the closed door to her room, crossing her arms and tapping her foot impatiently. Tamsin really won't let anyone near her...and perhaps it is a good thing, considering the way her emotions are getting to her. I know I have problems and maybe instead of getting angry, I should try crying, then I won't hurt anyone.

Killian and I are at the foot of the wooden stairs, waiting for her to make her grand appearance. I for one, am happy to finally get out of here, even if it is with her parents. Going for a swim at the lake will be refreshing, and the full moon that's out means we don't need to bring any lighting of our own, our eyesight is good enough.

"Are you happy now?!" Tamsin's growls as the door to her room forcefully opens, pushing her mother aside and slamming it shut behind her. She is wearing black jeans and a red tank top, her sneakers dragging across the wooden floor when she begins to descend the stairs.

Kenzie is fuming, looking to Killian to help her, but he is at his wits end with Tamsin as well. It really must be her being a bratty teenager and throwing fits. She eyes me, moving around where I stand to grab a gray sweater. Sliding her arms into it, she zips it up, throwing the hood over her head and concealing her eyes. Stuffing her hands into the tunnel pouch pocket, she leans against the wall near the entrance.

Everyone kind of just stands in silence and after a minute passes, Tamsin scoffs, "I thought you were all in such a hurry. Well, are we going?"

"Tamsin, just...chill out, okay?" I reach a hand out to her, but she shrugs me off, her hand grasping the door handle and slipping out between the small opening.

"Killian!" Kenzie lets out an exasperated sigh, her footsteps creaking the wood beneath her feet as she steps down the stairs. She reaches down and picks up the bag that she had packed towels in earlier, along with a light change of clothes for everyone. Kenzie snaps suddenly, "Go talk to your daughter!"

"My daughter?" He arches a brow, watching as Kenzie walks toward me, trading the bag off to me as she checks to make sure everything is there. While I hold open the handles, she rummages through it, looking preoccupied and not wanting to deal with a very annoyed Tamsin.

My eyes meet Killian's emerald ones and we just stare at each other while Kenzie busies herself. She's had enough of her daughter's behavior, and it looks like they are in a stalemate of who is going to handle her. I don't know which one I'd rather have talking to me, but Killian appears to listen better, though when he is angry, there is no stopping him.

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