Book 4⌇10. Sandalwood

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Chapter 10 ∣  Sandalwood


"You're acting like such an ass!" My gaze turns on Lucca as he walks across the bedroom, taking his shirt off and throwing it into a basket. He turns around, his muscles tensing at my words, kicking his shoes off as he remains in his dark pants.

"He almost killed you!" Lucca fires back, edging toward the bathroom door, pushing it open and turning on the sink.

Narrowing my eyes, I storm after him and yell, "Don't you fucking walk away from me!"


I'm standing behind him while he throws water on his face, lifting his eyes to stare at my own as I come to stand beside him, our reflections in a deadlock.

The way he treats our son, it isn't right and he's holding onto something that I don't even think Mav could control at the time. He was just a little baby, he couldn't have been malicious in taking my blood magic, but Lucca sure as hell won't let it go.

He's afraid.

If Mav could do all that as a baby with little recollection, Lucca imagines him turning into a coldblooded killer. There is one thing we agree upon, he needs to learn to control his gift because it could very well get everyone killed around him. But that isn't grounds to treat him like a merciless killer.

He's seven for cryin' out loud!

I feel safe, having Orion and Cristela watching over him. At least with Orion, he'll learn exactly why people fear vampires, not just vampires, but cross breeds between hunters and vampires like me and him. We are a different kind of breed, one to be feared and my father, Lucca, and Zak all saw the devastation that can wreak havoc when I ended Ronan's life.

I'll also never forget what happens if a pureblood bites someone who isn't compatible...the slow death that began to consume Enock, the darkness that began to eat away at his flesh, that was until Zak ended his life.

"Why can't you just let the past be?" I ask, turning away from our reflections and meeting his captivating hazel eyes.

Lucca shakes his head, "I'm trying..."

"Try harder daddy, you've already got one child who adores you," Lucette crosses my mind and I note, "Mav has so much love and just wants to be treated the same. Yes, you are father and son and yes, you are going to get into arguments but cut this shit'll lose him."

Lucca dries his hands on a towel, setting it down and bringing his left hand to rest on my cheek, gazing deeply into my eyes before saying, "Erebus was right..."

"You make your own fate," I whisper, resting the palms of my hands against his pecs, "just because he says we weren't supposed to be together, doesn't mean he's right. Look at Lucette."

Lucca arches a brow, "She didn't steal your blood magic and almost kill you while you carried her."

"But it could have easily been her if she had been the firstborn child, there's no telling if it would have ended the exact same way," I sigh, thinking about my little rambunctious girl.

"Evie...I just can't stand the thought of what happened," Lucca's voice shifts, lifting his hand away from my cheek and wrapping his strong arms around me.

I tilt my chin up, gazing into his eyes as I ask him, "Let me ask you this, would you rather me have held onto my blood magic and in doing so kill both Mav and myself," his grip tightens, the thought of losing me is something he keeps buried away, "or, would you have me selflessly give up the one unique quality I had? To give life to a beautiful and inquisitive boy and keep my own?"

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