Book 4⌇Epilogue: Enslaved

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Epilogue ∣  Enslaved


The pounding of my footsteps off the warm flooring courses up through my body, hearing a ringing in my ears. It is my parents, running in front of me, their skin sparking with light bolts of electricity. Their mere human forms are stripped away, their demonic nature shining through once we pass through the underground tunnel that leads directly to the palace.

King Bram is ruthless, and it is my parents who had decided to ignore the rest of the ones who would stand against him. Their assassin nature takes control pushing them further and further toward their goal of taking out the malicious ruler. Rules are strict in the Dominion Plain and even at my young age, my parents wonder what type of life I will live here.

Their only hope and that of the ones standing against the crown is to kill the King.

Why am I brought along on such a dangerous mission?

I have nowhere else to go. The rebellion leaders informed my parents that if they should fail, they wouldn't take me. I wouldn't be taken care of, left on my own and my parents knew I wouldn't last that long on my own.

I'd be dead.

A child of two assassins, I'll never be allowed to live so long as I am seen as a threat to the crown. I will always be looked upon as a threat, though I haven't done anything.

Up the stairs we go, flying by with such speed everything is happening so very fast. My black hair is tied back away from my face, my emerald eyes reflecting that of my parents when they turn to me and order, "Don't get caught, stay hidden."

Nodding my head, we move up into a room that is completely void of any life. Like a secret, this room was left forgotten, using it to our advantage as it appears to be unseen by anyone else within this place.

That's where they leave me, leaving the heavy door closed shut behind them as they emerge into the hallway. I can hear many things, just faded slightly, muffled by the door, but there is a lot of screaming and yelling.

The yelling though is not my parents' voices, but those they must have run in to.

There is something coming from the stairs that lead up to this room. Fear travels through my body, sparking my connection to my demonic side and her words slip clearly through my mind.

Run. Don't let them catch you.

They had told me to stay put, but there is something coming, and it scares me more to stay and find out what it is, then to hopefully running and evading. Fighting with myself, I finally make my decision to take my chances out the door than with the unknown pursing me.

Taking the handle in my hand, I quickly scoot out into the hallway, looking up and down it. I gasp, seeing a series of bodies that line the hallway, many demons still have the scorch marks of being electrocuted around their necks.

Did my parents do this?

I didn't know they were that strong if they could take out all these demons, I don't see why they can't kill the King. At this rate, the Dominion Plain really will be much better off. Finally, there will be rulers who can make better decisions.

Quietly running down the hallway, my hand outstretches as I touch the marble wall, peering around the corner as I come to an intersection. Perhaps the exit is that way? My attention shifts when I hear someone from behind me and to my right, forcing me to take the left hallway.

Voices continue to grow slightly louder, coming to another intersection, only this hallway spills out into the main throne area. I can see it then, hiding behind the corner of the wall. I am shaking, fear numbing my senses and rooting me to the spot when I see two incubi, standing in front of the crowned King Bram.

It is the white wisps that leave their mouths and transfer to the demons that finally make everything clicks into place.

I've never stolen a soul before.

I am too young, and my parents offer their energy instead. Watching these two incubi steal my parents' souls, makes me angry, knowing that they will be trapped forever in an abyss.

Their lips close, the connection cut off. My parents' heads lower, and their energy is untraceable. I can't feel any life coming from them...

Using their powerful tails, they each snap the necks of my mother and father in a split second.

My breathing comes short, almost stopping altogether.

The rebel leader was right...

...that's why they have hidden away and kept their assassins for better use. This King is too strong and the ones guarding him are far superior to that of the average demon.

A quiet sob escapes my lips, the tears I thought I'd been fighting back are trailing down my cheeks, blurring my vision. I am not quiet enough, because I am forcefully grabbed by another who appears behind me.

Screaming at their touch, their powerful hands hold my shoulders firmly, dragging me out into the open.

"Harlan?" King Bram questions, my captor revealed. He walks me further into the room, my heart picking up speed when both pairs of electric blue eyes lock onto me, the ones who had murdered my parents.

"She was hiding in the hallway," Harlan informs the King.

King Bram narrows his eyes on me and states flatly, "She has their eyes."

I look down at the ground, shaking in fear and trying to shrink away from everyone staring at me.

"Did you know them? I've never seen you before," King Bram asks me and when I don't answer he snaps and growls, "Answer the question!"

Harlan's nails dig into my skin and I cry out hastily, "Y-Yes! Th-They're m-my par-parents."

"Kill her," he orders.

I scream loudly, crying as I try to escape Harlan.

Then a voice speaks, one of the murders, "If you don't mind...I'd rather keep her," his eyes are filled with darkness and the evil smirk that spreads across his face makes my heart stop, "She looks just like a porcelain doll. I think she'd make a rather amusing toy."

I'm not a toy...

"She is yours then, Kalyn," the King motions his hand in my direction, "just make sure to take a portion of her soul so she can't faze from this world."

"With pleasure," his eyes burning into me at his words, watching for my reaction.

If that's him...that means the other...

Those are the princes...

...Prince Kalyn and Prince Keegan.

Published on Amazon as an ebook and paperback.

The Rogue Pureblood Vampire by K. A. Young.

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