Chapter Two: Vernon? No, I definitely meant Vermin

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Slowly, London comes into view. The beautiful meadows and fields are long gone behind us. I’m honestly not really looking forward to seeing my sister, Petunia, again. I miss the easy friendship that we used to have before I starting showing signs of magic. I wouldn’t regret going to Hogwarts, not in a thousand years. Though, it does make it harder to fit in with my muggle family.

                “Lil!” Alice shouts.

                “What?” I groan.

                “You zoned out again.” Marlene adds.

                “Sorry, I was just thinking about home.”

                “Are you going to be okay?” Alice asks gently.

                I shrug. “Hopefully, I just don’t fancy seeing Petunia again. Mum said that she’s bringing her boyfriend over for dinner soon.”

                “Vermin?” Marlene says disgustedly.

                “Vernon.” I correct. “But yes, I may call him that.”

                Alice looks at me sadly. “Cheer up! If it gets bad, you can come stay at my house.”


                The Hogwarts Express pulls into Platform 9 ¾. I pull my trunk off the rack above my head. Two months until I return… This is going to be a long summer. I drag my trolley towards the barrier that will take me into the muggle world.

                “Evans! Wait!” It’s Potter, no one else ever calls me that.


                “Erm, I just come to say that I hope you have a good summer.” he says politely.

                “Thanks… You too.”  I turn and walk through the barrier. That was odd… Potter is actually being nice to me for two days in a row, if I don’t count yesterday morning.

                “Lily!” Mum calls through the crowd. Her petite face lights up when she sees me. “Darling, we’ve missed you much!”

                I throw myself into her arms and kiss her cheek. “I’ve missed you too, Mum.” I release her and hug Dad. I look around for a moment and sigh. No Petunia.

                “I’m sorry, Lily. I tried to get her to come.” Mum says sadly.

                “It’s quite alright,” I lie.

                “No, it’s not.” Dad says quietly.

                “Don’t worry. She’s probably busy with her boyfriend.”

                As Dad loads my trunk into our family car, Mum asks, “date any boys this year?” I knew this was coming. She asks every year without fail, since about my fifth year.

                “Couple of dates,” I shrug and smile slightly. “No keepers.”

                “What about that Potter boy that you’re always talking about?”

                I make a face. “I’d rather date the giant squid that lives in the lake.”

                “That’s subtle.” Mum laughs.

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