Chapter Thirty-Eight: Seriously? Sirius in Love?/ I Take the Fall

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Time continues to move even when I wish it wouldn't. Everything is back to the way it used to be before the dare. Girls fall at James' feet. The Marauders are still pranking. Alice is happily engaged to Frank Longbottom. And I'm throwing myself back into my studies more than ever before.

Slowly, the friendships that I had with the Marauders are disappearing. I understand why, but it still hurts. Marauders before girls- that's the way they work.

I flip through my Transfiguration textbook. Human Transfiguration is really interesting. Being able to change a person into an animal and back again without any severe side affects- if only the Muggles knew...

"Lily! We have Quidditch practice!" Alice shouts at me. That's one of the few changes that have stayed. James actually asked me to stay on the team. I did. Not for him, but for Gryffindor- and Professor McGonagall. Honestly, if we lose to Slytherin this year, I think she'll lose it.

I close my book and pick up my gear from the floor next to me. I follow Alice through the busy corridors and outside. The weather is starting to become spring-like, but it's still cold enough that I wouldn't want to stay out here all night.

"Alright, next week, we're playing Hufflepuff." James states. "I'm not worried, because Diggory and their Keeper are out on injuries. However, I don't know their replacements."

"Some girl named Ivy for Keeper and Connell for Seeker." I answer calmly.

"Where'd you hear that?" James asks coolly.

I roll my eyes. "I overheard Diggory whining about it yesterday morning in the Great Hall."

"You were listening in on their conversations?" James asks in disbelief.

"No rule says I can't. Besides, Diggory deserves it."

"Wow, Head Girl cheating." Sirius laughs. "Never thought I'd see the day."

"I wasn't cheating." I respond. "He was so loud that I'm shocked you didn't hear him."

"Don't do that again. I don't need the team getting in trouble." James says harshly.

I sigh. "No thanks? Fine. Next time, I won't bother trying."

Practice finishes and I throw my broom over my shoulder. I'm cold and wet from the impromptu rain shower.

"How's everything?" Alice asks.

"Fine." I answer calmly.

"Listen, I know a really nice boy that I think you'd like-"

"Ally, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but no. I'm not interested in another relationship right now. I want to finish this year with top marks and hopefully get a job. I don't want anything else."

Alice nods. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so blunt. I thought you could use a distraction." She wraps an arm around my shoulders. "I just want you to be happy."

"I know you do. Thank you. I'm happier than I've been lately."

"It still hurts- watching him with other girls, doesn't it?"


Suddenly, someone crashes into me. Blond hair. Marlene. She looks at me with a guilty expression. "I'm sorry. Can I talk to you two?"

I glance at Alice. She nods slowly with a curious look on her pale face. "Alright. What's on your mind?"

"I know we'll never be best friends again, but I'm truly sorry for what I said and did to both of you." Marlene looks at her trainers. "Lily, I'm sorry to hear about you and James. He seemed like a decent bloke."

The Patronus Charm- A Lily and James FanfictionOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara