Chapter Thirty-Five: I Almost Feel Bad for a Slytherin

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I sit up in the small bed. Hospital Wing. How could I have forgotten? I hit the ground.

"How are you feeling?" James asks from next to me.

"Fine, I guess. I mean, I don't hurt much."

"That's good. You hit your head on the ground, but the helmet protected you. I reckon that you have a minor concussion. Madame Pomfrey fixed your arm."

"We won, right?" I ask softly.

"Yes, you caught the Snitch, Lils." James says gently.

"When do I get out of here?"

"A few hours, but you're probably safer in here."

I raise an eyebrow at him. "What is going on?"

James shakes his head. "Nothing to worry about."

"James Potter! Tell me!"

"The Marauders are having a pranking war. Mostly on Slytherins, but everyone is getting caught in it."

"What have you blokes done so far?"

"Changed the Slytherins' robes to say Sluterins. Painted their common room canary yellow. Dungbombed the entire dungeons."

"Wow," I sigh. "I missed a lot."

"Not to worry, Lilykins! I have brought the fun to you!" Sirius says cheerfully. He drags in a knocked out Slytherin. Goyle. He looks like he's been through a warzone. His robes flash pink and yellow, the Slytherin crest on his robes change and say insulting things, and his teeth are becoming buck teeth. I almost feel bad for him. Almost.

"I messed him up just for you!" Sirius says with a grin.

"He didn't hit me with the Bludger, Siri-bear." I admit.


"It was Crabbe."

Sirius drops the whale sized boy on the floor with a murderous expression. "I shall return with the right bloke and he shall be in worse condition than this one!" He sprints out of the hospital wing.

"I don't fancy being Crabbe." James declares.

"As long as Sirius doesn't kill him," I shrug.

"The concussion must have done a lot of damage to your brain." James says tauntingly with a smirk.

"Potter! Quit being a twat!"

"Oh, never mind, love."

"I'm going to strangle you!" I mutter.

"Bloody hell! I'm gone for a half an hour and you're awake!" Alice shrieks indignantly.

"Ow! My ears." James whines.

"Lily, how are you feeling?" Alice inquires, ignoring James.

"I feel okay. Heard that it's a war zone outside."

"I'm helping the Marauders." she declares.

"Oh no, this won't end well." I moan.

"What? You have no faith in my pranking skills?!"

"Considering what happened when you decided to prank Frank last year, I don't honestly trust you."

"It was an accident!"

"I'm surprised that he's still going to marry you," James admits.

"He loves me!"

"Ow! My ears..."

"I have patients trying to rest in here." Madame Pomfrey says sternly to my friends. "Miss Evans, are they bothering you?"

"It's fine. I feel much better."

"I was quite worried about your arm." she sighs. "It was looking pretty bad." She turns and gives Alice a stern look. "Never put a pain numbing charm on an injury and keep playing Quidditch!"

"Sorry." Alice mutters.

"I hope you are! That was a stupid idea!" she turns and walks away.

"Bloody hell." Alice mutters under her breath.

"So when I get out of here, can I join the prank war?" I ask.

James stares at me in disbelief. "You want to join the pranking war." he repeats.

"Hey! I kicked your arse last time we had a pranking war. Remember?"

James scowls. "How could I forget? You dyed my hair like a rainbow!"


"Okay, you can join."

"I wasn't going to take no for an answer."

James laughs. "I didn't think you would, love."


AN: Sorry, this is just a filler, but I promise the pranking war will be amusing. Anyone got any good pranks? I'd love some ideas. I'll try to update soon, but no promises. I'll be away for a little while.

Thanks for supporting me and this story! 11k reads! That's like every author's dream!!!

I'm planning to post a new story on wattpad soon, it doesn't have anything to do with Harry Potter. It's my own original work and ideas. Would anyone be interested in reading it? I'll post the summary soon, if there's any interest.


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