Chapter Four: Reality Strikes Again

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"Lily? Are you sure you have everything?" Mum repeats for what seems like the hundredth time this morning.

"Yes, Mum. I promise that I have everything that I need." I exclaim.

"Rose! Hurry up! We're going to be late!" Dad shouts from outside.

I slide into the backseat of the car. I can't believe it's September 1st already. It feels like just yesterday that I arrived home.

"You'll write, right?"

I nod and smile. "Course, Mum."

"You won't go out with any guys?" Dad says hopefully.

I shake my head. "I make no much promise." I declare somberly.

"David!" Mum scolds.

"I was only kidding." Dad says. Somehow, I don't think he was being very honest.

"Don't work too hard. Have a little bit of fun too." Mum instructs.

"I won't. Seriously, I've been going to Hogwarts since I was eleven. I'll be fine." I groan.

Quickly, King's Cross Station comes into view. Dad parks and helps unload my trunk and the carrier with my cat, Lux. Lux was a present from Mum and Dad for getting Head Girl. An owl might have been more useful, but I've always wanted a cat.

We hurry inside the busy station. I notice a couple of people from Hogwarts hurrying into the barrier.

"Take good care of yourself, Lils." Mum exclaims as she kisses my cheek.

"We love you." Dad says with a tight smile.

"I'll send you plenty of letters and I'll likely be home for Christmas. I love you both!" I exclaim as I give them each a hug and run through the barrier.

I look around for a moment. I don't see any of my friends, so I board the train and hurry down the carriages to find my friends. They're sitting with the Marauders. Why does that not surprise me anymore? I open the door. "Any room for me?"

"Hang on a second," Remus exclaims as he lifts another trunk onto the racks. "Yup, now there's plenty of room."

"Thanks." I say slowly, as I inch my way into the compartment, waiting for Potter to spring out at me.

Instead, Potter is sitting in the corner talking to Sirius. He looks up and smiles. "Hey, Evans."

"Hi," I say politely.

"So are you ready to lead the Prefect Meeting, Lily?" Remus asks with a cheeky smile.

Potter looks up. His hazel eyes are wide with surprise. "You're Head Girl?"

"Yes." I say slowly.

Potter looks between Remus and I for a moment. "You knew all along." Potter says to Remus, with a look of pure disbelief.

"Of course, I did." Remus chuckles. "It was highly amusing to read both your letters."

"Both your letters?" I ask curiously.

"Evans, please don't hex my face off or anything like that..." Potter begins. He turns so that I can see a shiny badge pinned to his shirt.

I groan. "You're Head Boy?"

Potter nods and hands me a piece of parchment. It's a similar letter to what Dumbledore sent me. "I figured no one would believe me."

"Why would Dumbledore make you Head Boy?" Peter Pettigrew demands from next to Remus. He seems to have grown over the summer, but only wider. His blond hair is plastered to his face and his blue eyes dance with that glint that all Marauders seem to have.

The Patronus Charm- A Lily and James FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora