Chapter Thirteen: Confronted and the First Date

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"Is it actually true?" someone hisses.

"What?" I groan.

"You and James Potter are going out!" the girl growls. She must be in a different house, because I don't recognize her.

"Yes," I admit quickly. Might as well just get it out there, so people stop making more rumours.

"You don't even fancy him!" she protests with a look of clear dislike on her face.

I shrug and continue down the hallway. It literally feels like all of Hogwarts has their eyes on me. The whispering starts as I enter the Ancient Runes class. I will never forgive Potter for this!


It seems like Potter's fan girls don't like this idea any more than I do apparently. Today, it seems like they're determined that if they hex me then I won't go out with Potter.

"Are you sure that you honestly want to go through with this?" I ask Potter as I enter the common room.

"You can't bow out on this one, Lily. A deal's a deal. Besides, I had already planned which love song that I was going to sing to Snape if I lost," Potter says with a lopsided smile as he looks down at his homework.


"Seriously," he repeats.

"I can't believe you actually thought that you might lose, James."

Potter looks up at me with a curious look. "Since when have I been James to you?"

I sigh, "since I have to go on a date with you and I figured that it would be easier."

"Alright, whatever you want, Lily. We can go on the first name basis if that's better." James says calmly. "Also, I might have been that arrogant that I'd never even consider losing to you when we were younger, but my, as you often put it, 'oversized ego' has deflated. Besides, I didn't know how good you honestly were. You're pretty good."

"Thanks," I say slowly. James just complimented me...

"What happened to your face anyways?" he asks.

"I reckon you've got a fan club." I moan.

"Interesting, I suppose I might have one, but what does that have to do with your face looking like you got a stinging hex?"

"I got a stinging hex to the face from one of your lovely fans."

"Nice people," James says sarcastically.


"Well, I'm going to practice. Hope your face feels better soon."


I keep seeing flashes of a different James, one who isn't arrogant, who actually cares about people. Somehow, I can't help, but wonder whether I'm wrong about James.


I swear that the next person, who mentions my date with James, is going to lose fifty points and earn themselves a week's worth of detentions.


I walk down the corridor quickly. I shouldn't have stayed so late in the library, but I needed to finish my essay. I've been procrastinating all week.

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