Chapter Nineteen: Siriusly Bad Magical Creatures

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“God rest ye, merry hippogriffs!” Sirius sings at the top of his lungs.

                I slam the door of my room open and wave my wand and mutter, “accio textbooks.” The textbooks zoom towards me. I wave my wand again and start shooting textbooks at Sirius’ head.

                “OUCH! Lilykins! OUCH! You’re soooo mean!” Sirius wails.

                “Why the hell are you even in the Head’s common room at this hour?” I demand with a groan.

                “Today’s the last day of classes before Christmas Break!”

                “SO? What’s your point?”

                “It’s the last time, that I’ll see you for a while!” Sirius whines.

                “I’ll probably be visiting James over the holidays, Sirius.” I say sharply.


                “What is going on out here?” James asks as he walks out of his room. He isn’t wearing a shirt. My eyes quickly look at him and look away again. He’s got abs…

                “Sirius decided that he needed to sing God Rest Ye, Merry Hippogriffs at five in the morning.” I explain to my half-awake boyfriend.

                “SIRIUS ORION BLACK, I’M GONNA KILL YOU!” James bellows and starts chasing Sirius around the couch.

                I roll my eyes. It’s never a dull moment with the Marauders around.

                “Why do you two look like you got woken up at some ridiculous time in the morning?” Alice asks as James and I stumble into the Great Hall about two hours later.

                “Pass the coffee.” I moan.


                “Pass the bloody coffee!”

                “Blame Sirius,” James offers as an answer. He grabs my mug of coffee and takes a sip.

                “Hey! Get your own!” I protest.

                “Don’t you want to grow?” James asks tauntingly.

                I pull back my foot and kick James as hard as I can in the shin.


                “Gimme back my coffee!”

                James rolls his eyes and hands me the mug back.

                Alice laughs at us. “So what did Sirius do this time?” she asks with a smile.

                “This time?” Sirius pouts. “I only came into their common room to share the Christmas Spirit!”

                “By singing God Rest Ye, Merry Hippogriffs at five in the morning!” I snap.

                James rubs my shoulders. “Relax, Lils, after tomorrow morning you won’t have to see him for a least a week.” he says soothingly.

                “Can I come meet your parents too, Lily-pad?” Sirius asks hopefully.

                “That would be a disaster!” Alice declares. She gets this cheesy look in her eyes. In a low raspy voice, she says, “I see Sirius Black walking through the front door of the Evans house. I see him attempting to flirt with Petunia. Vernon is beating Sirius up and Sirius hexes him. Next, I see the ministry sending a letter to Sirius’ parents. They send a letter to Sirius congratulating him on finally showing his true colors and they invite him to a meeting with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.”

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