Chapter Fifty: Until The Very End

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I straighten my tie as I look in the mirror. This is it. Today is the day that I leave Hogwarts. This castle has been my home for seven of the best years of my life. I just can't believe it's all over...
James opens my door and walks in.

"Beautiful." He smiles as he stares at me.

"You see me in this uniform almost everyday, James."

"You're beautiful all the time."

I smile at him. "I can't believe this is it."

"I know." He says gently.

"We should get going." I glance at James and shake my head. His hair is as messy as ever and his tie is hanging loosely around his neck. "Seriously, James, we're graduating today."

He shrugs. "I'm not going to change my ways now." He smirks at me. He takes my hand. "Let's get going."

We walk out of our dorms and make our way to the Great Hall. I sit down next to Alice at the Gryffindor table.

"It's really over." She admits sadly. "It seemed just so far away. Now, it's happening and I'm in a state of shock.."

To my surprise, Sirius responds. "I know what you mean. Only a few weeks ago, Lily was nagging me about studying-"

"Hey!" I exclaim. "I was not nagging."

"Fine, Lily was being irritatingly obnoxious."

"Sirius!" I protest.

"Padfoot, mate, don't fry her brains before her speech." Remus grins slightly at me.

"Lily will be fine." Alice states confidently.

"I hope so..." I admit.

"Hey, has anyone seen Peter?" James asks suddenly.

I look around, expecting to see Peter stuffing his face with food. "I haven't seen him."

"He's probably part of some cult." Sirius suggests as he sets down his tea.

"It would explain his odd behaviour."

James starts laughing, but Remus frowns. "It's not really a laughing matter, Prongs. Cults are incredibly dangerous and Peter seems to have many of the signs..."

"Let's not deal with this today." I say softly. Let's just enjoy today and then we'll go home and deal with real life again."

James nods. "That sounds reasonable."

"All Seventh Years please make your way outside for the ceremony." Professor Slughorn calls.


The sky is clear and the sun is shining down on us. It's the perfect day to graduate. It's the type of the day that I enjoyed walks around the lake. I used to go alone...before James.

We sit in the front few rows of seats. Families sit behind us with proud smiles. For a moment, I feel a pang of sadness, knowing my parents aren't in the rows of proud smiles. James' parents are though.

"Welcome. Welcome, families, teachers, and students to this year's graduation. These students have successfully completed their seven years at Hogwarts and are about to go into the real world." Professor McGonagall exclaims. "Before we call names, our Head Girl and Boy will share their thoughts about this joyful occasion." She moves aside as everyone claps.

I stand and walk onto the stage. "Hello, my name is Lily Evans. Seven years is a lot to reflect on. I still find it hard to believe that it's all over now. Seven years is a long time, but at Hogwarts, it has been too short. We've learned a lot of valuable lessons and skills that will bring us into a brighter better future. I, myself, learned a lot of lessons that didn't just come from textbooks or waving my wand. True happiness can be found in any situation if one choses to pursue it. Bravery isn't being fearless, it's choosing to ignore your fears to stand up for something you believe in. Love isn't just an emotion, it's a choice to love someone even through the darkest of times. On a funnier note, there were a few lessons that were taught through certain incidents. The Great Hall was certainly not better looking as a swamp. Friends often have your back until they set off a dungbomb...then you're on your own. Never say the wrong incantation; having your skin turn green for weeks is not fun. And finally, always remember the trick step." Many students and parents groan as they remember the trick step. "As we leave Hogwarts, we will step into real life and become full adults. We will make mistakes, fall in love with the wrong person, change jobs; but it's all okay, because we're still learning. We never stop learning. I will never forget the friends made at Hogwarts or the lessons learned. I hope no one will forget. Be who you want to be. Don't let anyone stop you. My final words of advice are: Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus." I step off the stage and walk back to my spot as the crowd claps. I had trouble finding the right way to say what I wanted to say, but I gave it my best.

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