Chapter Twelve: The Outcome

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 Thanks to theluckynumber3 for the Qudditch idea!!! You've gotta help me in the future! Now for the story:

I sigh. Finally, the Aurors are gone. Hogwarts has been a crime scene since yesterday’s attack. I’ve been asked the same questions so many times that I feel like my head will explode. Potter’s lucky, he didn’t get attacked. Now, he doesn’t have to answer a billion questions, though, I’m sure he was asked a few.

                I pick up my Charms textbook and focus on writing my essay. I’m tired, but I’ve missed all my classes today, so I have to get working.

                “You look tired. Go to sleep,” Potter sighs from the doorway of our common room.

                “I can’t. I’ve missed a lot today.” I protest.

                “Lily, I’m serious. You’re not helping yourself.” Potter protests. He looks at the mountain of textbooks in front of me. “I’ll help you with Transfiguration tomorrow if you go to sleep.”

                I quickly weigh out the pros and cons of his proposal. Potter’s a genius at Transfiguration. He’s even better than me. It would be really helpful, but will he keep his promise. “Will you keep your end of the deal?”

                Potter laughs. “You really don’t trust me, do you?”

                “Well, you haven’t given me much reason, remember?”

                Potter’s smile fades away. “I know. Look, I promise that I will help you if you go to bed.”

                With the seriousness in his eyes, I know that he will keep his promise. “Alright, thank you.” I pick up my pile of books and walk into my room.

                Maybe Potter has changed after all. I could never have trusted him before this year. He’s actual a decent bloke. But suddenly I remember something, Potter’s only after me for the chase. No girl has ever said no to him. That thought quickly stops the other ideas about Potter. He’s a player. He’ll use me and discard me like every other girl he’s dated.

                Maybe that’s why I worry for Mar too. She’s clearly in love with Sirius Black, who is even more of a player than Potter. At first, I thought that they just liked each other, but it wouldn’t last. But now… Sirius hasn’t dumped her yet and it worries me. What if he broke her heart?

                I don’t know what to think about Potter. Either way, if I’m not careful, I’ll fall for him. I can’t and won’t be used. I want true love, not the discard kind. I want someone, who loves me, because I’m the far from perfect Lily Evans.  I want to trust that he’s changed, but trust can easily be betrayed. I am no fan of betrayals. I’ve felt that burn before and I refuse to feel it again.

                I quickly dress. Today’s the day, the day where I either get to humiliate Potter or end up going out on a date with him. I’m confident in my team though. I’m playing Seeker, which means I should be playing against Sirius. But something from a previous conversation bugs me, but I don’t remember it now.

                “Lils! Ready for Quidditch?” Mar shouts across the Great Hall as I stumble in.

                I groan and quickly walk over to the table. “Don’t have to announce it to the whole school.”

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