Chapter Seventeen: War World Marauders and I Hex the Head Boy

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Woohoo! Two hundred reads! *does an incredibly awesome happy dances and proceeds to crash into wall (ow!!!) * Anyways, I'm really pleased, I NEVER thought that I'd get this many reads. So, to celebrate, I'm updating not once but twice today :) The second one is a short POV chap, but hey it's the thought that counts, right? Thanks everyone!!

Disclaimer: You'd think the story would have more reads if I was JK Rowling...

I walk into charms class and sit down. At least this classroom is warm; the last one that I was in was freezing.

                “Ah, Miss Evans, it’s good to see someone so cheerful.” tiny Professor Flitwick declares.

                “Thank you, Professor.”

                True is: I’m not really happy. I’m tired of James and Sirius always fighting. They went at it again during breakfast. When those two fight, the rest of us don’t seem to know what it’s about. I’ve asked Remus, but he doesn’t seem to know what this is about.

                “Shove off, Potter.” Sirius snaps as the two in question walk in.

                “You’re unbelievable, Sirius!” James retorts.

                “Boys! Boys! There’s no need for you to be fighting.” Flitwick exclaims as he waves his tiny arms frantically.

                They glare at each other and storm to their seats. James slides into the seat next to me. He looks furious.

                “James, what’s going on?” I ask for what seems like the hundredth time.

                “Lily, please just drop it. Sirius is just being a prat.”

                Sirius swears. “That’s crap, James. You’re being completely unreasonable!” Sirius barks.

                That’s when the shouting begins. The rest of the class looks puzzled. Suddenly, Sirius points his wand at James. If something doesn’t stop, there’s going to be a duel.

                “Silencio!” I snap as I wave my wand. They both go silent, but now it looks like a nonverbal duel. “Expelliarmus!” I say quickly.

                Both James’ and Sirius’ wands fly from their hands and I easily catch them. They both look at me.

                “Twenty points from Gryffindor,” I say harshly. “I hope you’re both proud of yourselves.”

                “Well done, Miss Evans. I hope that this teaches you boys that fighting isn’t the solution.” Flitwick says firmly.

                I scowl. “May I speak to the Head Boy in the hallway?”

                “Of course, off you go.”

                I grab James’ arm and start walking into the corridor. “What the hell, James?”

                James points to his throat and shakes his head.

                “No, I think you need to hear this more than you need your voice to argue back.” I say firmly. “You can hate me after this, but to be honest, this is not what I expected of you. You’re lucky that Flitwick didn’t send you both to Dumbledore’s office. Look, you’re Head Boy. You’re also a Marauder. You guys stick together not matter what. You and Sirius don’t seem to realize how lucky you guys are. This fight isn’t just hurting you two, it’s hurting Remus, Peter, Marlene, and me. How do you think Marlene and I supposed to deal with this? She wants to be with him and I wanna be with you, but it’s hard to be friends when our boyfriends can’t even look each other in the eye without starting a fight. We sit at different ends of the table, when you guys are around.” I rant. I look at James and say, “James, it’s not fair to anyone including both of you. Don’t make me choose between my friends and you. You’e being selfish.” I whip out my wand and remove James’ silencing charm and toss him his wand. Without looking at him, I return to class and smile apologetically at Professor Flitwick.

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