Chapter Nine: A Deadly Game and Snape's Teddy Bear

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Odd title, I know. Humour me and enjoy it. Let me know what you think!


“I can’t believe that James was okay with this!” Marlene shrieks as we start opening the candy from Honeydukes. We sent a mail order in at the last minute. Luckily, we managed to get it all tonight.

                “Me too,” I admit. James was surprisingly fine with it. He just told us to have fun. I have this feeling that the Slytherins aren’t going to be happy in the morning, but I’m looking forward to seeing them with pimples.

                Alice grins. “I brought something else to make this more fun.” Alice pulls a bottle of firewhiskey out of her bag.

                Normally, I’d say this is bad idea. It still is, but I think I could use a night of fun. “Great!”

                My friends look at me in shock. “Did Lily Evans just say that firewhiskey is great?” Marlene asks Alice in mock shock.

                Alice laughs. “I think she did.” Alice grabs some glasses and pours us each a glass of firewhiskey. I grab mine and take a drink. The firewhiskey burns down my throat, but it feels good.

                “We should play truth or dare!” Marlene declares.

                I swallow hard. Playing truth or dare with Marlene and Alice gets dangerous. “Alright,” I agree. I know I’m in trouble, but what can they do to me?

                “Marlene, truth or dare?” Alice asks.

                “Truth.” Marlene says quickly.

                “Tell us the story of how you ended up with Sirius Black!” Alice shoots.

                Marlene’s ears turn bright red. “Well… I had to spend a week at the Potter’s, since Mum went on another business trip; I think it was to Moose Jaw. Yes, it was, because Mum brought back some Meteorites stuff for us. The Moose Jaw Meteorites.”

                “Tell the story!” Alice interrupts.

                “Anyways, I hung out with James and Sirius over that week and one day James had to do something, so the two of us hung out. Suddenly, Sirius kissed me and then we started dating.” Marlene admits.

                “The way you wouldn’t talk about it had me believing that it was more embarrassing than that!”

                “Likely, Mrs. Potter walked in on them.” I tease.

                Marlene blushes.

                “She did?” Alice exclaims.


                “Was she mad?”

                “That’s the thing about Mrs. Potter. She didn’t get mad. She just warned us about erm…that stuff and left us alone.” Marlene admits.

                “If Mum caught me doing that,” I say with a grimace. “I’d get pulled out of Hogwarts before you could say Merlin.”

                “Same,” Alice agrees.

                “Lily, truth or dare?”

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