Chapter Twenty-Four: Voldemort Gets Dissed

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I stay close to James as curses fly past us. I shoot spells back as fast as I can. I can see more Aurors than I thought were here, but somehow I don't feel comforted by that.
"Stupefy!" James shouts. There's a flash of red light as a Death Eater falls to the ground.
"James!" a voice shouts over the noise of the battle. I see Frank Longbottom running towards us. "You guys have to leave!" he says, looking more nervous than I've ever seen him.
"You need help," James points out.
"No! Get out of here. They've called him." Frank cries as he deflects another spell.
"Who?" I hiss, though I already know the answer.
"Voldemort is coming. It's not safe. Who else is here with you?" he demands.
"Sirius, Remus, and Alice."
Frank hisses a breath out through his teeth. "If you survive this battle, James, you're a dead man. You brought my girlfriend into the middle of a warzone!"
"Mate, it's not like we could just leave her." James mutters as he shoots another spell at a Death Eater.
"You brought Lily here too! You know what will happen!" he states gravely. His voice has dropped low and he looks on edge.
A Death Eater advances on me with his wand raised. His mask has fallen off, revealing a face of cold harshness. He looks a lot like the Lestrange brothers. It must be their father. Lestrange Sr. He shoots a curse at me and a large cut slices across my face.
"Flippendo!" I cry, using the knockback jinx. Lestrange Sr. is thrown backwards into the air several feet. I glance around. Frank has moved off to the side in a desperate duel with yet another Death Eater. We're outnumbered.
James moves to my side. He watches my back as I point my wand at Lestrange.
"Pitiful, Lestrange." a high pitched cold voice says. "You've been beaten by a mudblood, who's not even out of Hogwarts yet."
I turn to look into red eyes. A pale white face with slits for eyes and no nostrils: it's Lord Voldemort.
James moves closer to me with his wand out in front of him with a grim look of determination.
"Young love," Voldemort laughs. It's a menacing sound that somehow reminds me of metal grating against metal. "A pureblood and a mudblood together."
There's a crackle of laughter around us from the Death Eaters, who are still fighting.
"Lily Evans, you are unique. You are a mudblood, you are from a family of nothings, worthless, yet you are more powerful than I assumed." Voldemort states. He turns and looks at James. James Potter, son of two Aurors." My blood runs cold with each of Voldemort's words. "You are powerful too, much like your precious mudblood love."
"Don't call her that," James snaps.
Voldemort raises his wand and says, "crucio."
James falls to the ground and squirms like pain. He bites his lip so hard that blood trickles down his face. He tries desperately not to make a sound.
"Impressive," Voldemort states. "A boy, not even out of school, who can withstand the Cruciatus Curse without crying out."
I point my wand at Voldemort. "Stupefy!" I cry.
Voldemort moves his wand and blocks the spell, but gives enough time for James to grab his wand and stand up. "Such raw talent, I could use followers like you: smart, brave, and determined. I will ignore your blood status, Lily Evans, if you join me. I'll make sure your family is safe."
My family. My parents. Petunia. For a brief second, I see my family in safety and myself wearing black robes. "Never. I will never join you." I declare defiantly.
"What about you, Potter? You would be a powerful Death Eater, I can give you everything you've ever wanted. I'll even spare Lily's life." Voldemort states. On his face, there's a twisted smile.
"I'd say that I'd join, but my mother told me to never tell a lie." James says with a smirk. There have been several times in the past couple of months, since I started dating James, that I've wanted to scream and yell at him, but never more than at this moment. I doubt that dissing Lord Voldemort will improve our survival rates.
Voldemort looks murderous, even more than usual. There are gasps around us. No one imagined that James would actually say something like that. Suddenly, I realize that I'm about to die. Few have escaped Voldemort alive. He waves his wand.
I pull James down and we start running for our lives. I dodge several flashes of green light. James and I shoot back as many curses as we can. At this point, I'm not overly worried about spells, curses, and jinxes that are against the school rules; I'm only focusing on surviving.
"It's Dumbledore!" someone gasps.
I turn to see Dumbledore standing in front of Voldemort. "Hello, Tom." he says to Voldemort.
Voldemort sneers. "I do not go by that name anymore."
"My apologies, old habits die hard." Dumbledore says. His voice is calm, but his blue eyes show determination and this fire that could burn the Forbidden Forest in seconds.
"And so shall you." Voldemort says. He raises his wand and a green light flashes towards Dumbledore, but it instead hits another spell.
The duel continues with flashes of light and hissed curses. Suddenly, there's several loud pops and the street is filled with more Aurors.
Voldemort sneers and disappears. The rest of the remaining Death Eaters shoot up into the air in black smoke and fly away.
I scan the crowd. I haven't seen Remus, Alice, and Sirius since the beginning of the fighting. James wraps his hand around mine. All my anger with James melts away, when I realize how close we were to dying. I almost lost him today and he almost lost me.
"What do we do with him? He's a Black." someone shouts.
I run across the street to where an Auror is standing over a bleeding Sirius. "Sirius, are you alright?" I ask.
"Just fine, Lilykins."
"Miss, you know this boy?"
"Of course, we do." James interrupts. "He's Sirius Black. He's been my best friend since our first year at Hogwarts."
"I can vouch for Mr. Black." Dumbledore says, strolling up to us.
"Yes, sir." the Auror with thick bushy eyebrows says.
Sirius gets off the ground and wipes the blood off his face with his sleeve. "Thanks, Professor." Sirius says.
"Not a problem, Mr. Black."
"Where's Alice?" I ask nervously.
"I believe that Miss Prewett is in good hands, she is currently with Frank Longbottom." Dumbledore says with a smile on his face.
Frank turns and smiles at us, but raises a fist at James. "You're still dead, Potter. I don't care if you just survived You-Know-Who! Sorry, Lily, but he's dead!" Frank shouts.
"Might I suggest that you get some protection charms on yourself?" Dumbledore suggests.
"Thank you, Professor. I will get started on that before Frank kills me." James promises.
Dumbledore walks away and Frank and Alice walk over. "I really should kill you, Potter." Frank declares. "But, after Alice explained that she was part of this, I can't really justify killing you. Plus, Lily will be heart broken and Alice would yell at me."
"James!" a voice calls. Dorea pushes through the swarms of Aurors to hug her son. "I saw Voldemort with you and us! I thought that he would kill you both." she whispers hoarsely. She hugs us both tightly as tears fall down her cheeks.
What am I going to tell my parents?
"We should get back to the manor," Charlus admits. "Frank, Alice, you're welcome to come for the rest of Christmas."
"Thank you, Charlus." Frank says, dragging his hand across his face. "We can't exactly spend the rest of Christmas here and we're coming to your ball tomorrow."
"How many people are dead?" Sirius asks as he surveys the attacked street.
"Nineteen muggles, three Aurors, I think Alice's awful aunt- sorry love." Frank adds hastily.
Alice rolls her eyes at him. "She was a foul old bat."
"There's probably more that won't make it." Charlus adds gravely.
I bite my lip. Now, my parents are in danger. I should never have come. "How did he know my name?" I ask slowly.
"He has spies at Hogwarts. It is likely that one of them told him that you were powerful." Charlus says softly.
"Alright," I mutter. Who could it have been?
"Lily, it's gonna be okay." James says quietly.
I offer him a tiny smile. I clung to him. I can't let him go. I almost lost him.
We apparite to Potter Manor. It turns out that we can only apparite there if James or his parents are with us.
"Lily?" James asks, walking into my room after Christmas dinner.
I look up at him. "Yes?"
"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, I'm just worried for my family. James, he knew my name and my family!" I gasp.
"Lils, everything will be alright."
"You don't know that! They could be dead by tomorrow. We almost died today, James. People are dying every day in this war."
James walks to the bed and sits down. He wraps his arm around my waist. "Lily, everything is wrong around us, but we're good. I know that you're worried about your family, but everything will be better soon."
I lean against his chest. "I love you."
"I love you too." he says.
"Stay with me."
I drift off in James' arms. Lulled to sleep by the security of his arms.
The door flies open and slams against the wall. "Lily! Lily! Lil-OH!"
I tilt my head up to see Alice standing in the doorway. She looks excited and a tiny bit embarrassed.
"Sorry!" Alice squeaks.
James is sitting up now. He looks at me and laughs. "Alice, we were just sleeping."
"So do tell what you came in here to tell me." I exclaim as I sit up a bit.
"Frank proposed!!" Alice declares. She holds out her hand. On her finger is a beautiful ring.
"About an hour ago! We were walking through the gardens, admiring the still frost. He got down on one knee and proposed!"
"Congrats," James says.
"I should let you get back to your slee-"
"What's going on?" another voice asks. Sirius runs into the room. "You did it!"
I reach for the table next to the bed. I grab my wand and mutter, "silenco."
Sirius instantly falls silent.
"No, Sirius, we did not. Plus, do you want to wake up the whole manor? As much as my mum is generally cool with this. I don't think it would go over well on Christmas!"
"Sirius, I only came in here to tell them that I'm engaged."
Sirius smiles at her and gives her a hug. He gives her a thumb's up. He grabs his wand out of his pocket and points it at himself. "That's better."
"Darn it." Alice moans. "He's finally figured out how to get rid of it."
"Come on, you know that I'm brilliant."
"Right." I mutter.
"So what's for breakfast?" Sirius asks with a crazy grin.

Hey guys! I know I didn't update for a while. Trust me, it's been a little crazy.
James really can't keep his mouth shut, huh?
So now, I'll get back to the actual less Voldy affected story line- don't worry. I'm sure he'll reappear. :) Has anyone noticed something about Voldemort from the books? He really values education- I mean, come on, he always waits until the end of the year to kill Harry. Aww, Voldemort really cares about Harry's education!
Anyways, thanks for reading. Any suggestions are appreciated. Flames will be doused.
Jily seems to be going well now, but there will be drama. So for all you people who like fights (I'm speaking to you right now, theluckynumber3!!!) it's coming!

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