Chapter Twenty-Eight: Divination is ALMOST Fun

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A flood of tears fall down Marlene's cheeks. She looks crushed, like Sirius took away all the good in her. "I thought that he loved me." she whispers hoarsely.
"Black is a good actor, he fooled us all, Mar." Alice says gently.
"He broke up with me through a note! A note! He didn't even have the courage to look me in the eye and say that he didn't love me."
"He's as low as they come." I declare. I hand Marlene the tissue box next to the couch in the Heads' common room.
"Is it stupid that I still love him after that?"
"Well-" Alice begins gruffly.
"No," I shake my head. "It's not. I think that I'd be the same way if James and I broke up. I'd still love him, even if he shattered my heart into pieces."
"Why can't I get over him? Every other boyfriend that I've had was easy to get over. Why is he so different?"
"Because you loved him, Mar." Alice reminds her. "Love isn't something that you can turn off like a tap or you can just throw away in an instant. Time will help."
"When did you become all sage like?" I ask.
"When our friend needed me to be." Alice declares.
"I should have never dated him. I've been such a fool to fall in love with Sirius Black! Every girl in this school knows not to fall for a Black unless you want your heart ripped out."
"I'll say! Every girl knows not to fall for Bellatrix Black either. That would be a bit awkward."
"Alice!" I hiss.
"No you're not."
"I just wanna be alone right now, so I'm going back to the dorm, besides Sirius could walk in here at any time."
"But he won't." James says as he walks in. "He's less than well liked at the moment, so it's highly unlikely unless he has a death wish, but I seriously doubt it."
"I-I'll walk Marlene back." Alice declares.
Ah, the classic "I'll just be discreet and sneak out so you and your boyfriend can work out your problems" act. Some days, I really hate that act.
James turns to me. "I'm sorry."
I turn away and look out the window. "For what?" I ask quietly.
"For being rude to you and for standing up for someone, who really didn't deserve it."
I sigh. "It's fine, I shouldn't have lost my temper either."
"I love you, Lils."
"I love you too, Jamsie."
James groans. "Lily, what's with that nickname?"
"Siri-Black came up with it."
"Siri-Black, huh?" James laughs. "You can call me anything else, just not that."
"So it's okay to call me the same nickname that Snape used to call me?" I ask slowly. I'm not angry, just curious at his reaction.
He hides his clear hatred well, only his eyes darken. "He called you that." he repeats.
"He did."
"Do you want me to stop calling you that?"
I shake my head. "No, I like it when you call me that."
"Do you have any clue what this is about? This whole Sirius doesn't love Marlene thing?"
James frowns for a moment. He almost seems hesitant to answer. "I'd guess that it's just that Sirius isn't used to good relationships and that whenever he gets in one that's serious, he jumps out as fast as he can."
"He could have been kinder about it though." I comment.
"Yes, he could have. But what is the likeliness of Sirius changing? He's always been that way; the way that I used to be. I did the same things, Lily. I lied, I broke hearts, and I did a lot of things that I'm not proud of. Aren't you afraid that I'll do the same things to you?" he asks softly.
I think about for a moment. When we first kissed, I was afraid of being just another catch that would be thrown aside. I didn't trust that James could actually care for me. "At first, yes, I thought that I would be another trophy; just another conquest to prove that you could get any girl you wanted. As time went by, we began to trust each other. What sealed my trust in you was the night after we went to the restaurant with my sister and Vernon, when you told me that you loved me and that you were truly sorry that things didn't work out between my sister and I. Now, I'm not afraid of you doing something like that."
James' face lights up. He leans in and kisses me. All thoughts of the world around us fade away.
Peter's POV
I bite my lip nervously and fidget. Over Christmas Holidays, I nearly got busted as a Death Eater. To make matters worse, James, Lily, Alice, Frank, Sirius, and Remus were all there. One false move and I would have been caught. Caught by my friends. It's impossible. The Dark Lord asks much of me. I toe the line every day. I never should have gotten myself into this. I could have lived the rest of my life in peace. Avoided Death Eaters. Maybe, I could have moved to somewhere warm and lived a normal life. Of course, the day that Death Eaters started to recruit people was the day that my normal safe life changed. I got pulled in by promises and power.
Now, I could destroy any of the bullies that picked on me on my own. I am far more powerful than anyone else knows. But, I have to continue to depend on my friends to protect me. I've always wanted people around me that could protect me. I've never understood why I was placed in Gryffindor. Unless, it's because I'm brave enough to turn on everyone who trusts me. M-maybe that in itself is bravery.
Lily's POV
I shove my books into my bag and hurry out of my room.
"What's the rush?" James calls from the couch.
"Some of us, unlike you, have class right now."
"That's what you get for taking extra classes, Lily." he reminds me.
"I know." I grab my wand off the table. "I'll see you in Defense."
I sprint into the hallway with my bag on my shoulder. James has a point. Extra classes do mean that I can't sleep in. Today would have been a good day to sleep in. The snow storm seems to have gotten worse overnight and now the whole castle is covered in a thick layer of white.
"I see you showed up." Remus says as I sit down in the desk next to him.
"Of course, I did. Remus, have I ever been one to skip?"
Remus laughs. "No, but I've always figured that after dating James, you would be less likely to be so strict about the rules. Take yesterday for example, our friends were playing Exploding Snap in the common room. The carpet had burn holes in it. The drapes were nearly on fire. And what did you do? You joined in."
I shrug. "Sirius needed to get his butt kicked."
"True, but you still broke a rule."
"Okay, fine, James is a bad influence."
"I see you're finally coming to your senses." a cold voice sneers.
I turn and look the greasy faced Severus Snape in the eye. "He's a far better man than you'll ever be, Snape." I say harshly. "Go away before I tell James that you've been annoying me."
"Hiding behind Potter, how sweet." Snape taunts.
I shake my head. "No, that wasn't me hiding behind him. That was me warning you that no matter what I do to you, James will be much harsher."
"I can guarantee that she isn't lying, Snape. James tends to be less than pleasant to those who annoy his girlfriend." Remus declares.
Snape turns and walks to the back of the room, where his fellow future Death Eater buddies sit. He makes a comment and they laugh.
"Are you planning on telling James?" Remus asks. His face is drawn and pale. The full moon was two days ago.
I shrug. "If I tell him or I don't, he'll find out. He'll be far easier to deal with if I just tell that we dealt with it."
"Meaning he'll only slightly kill Snape?"
"He did what?" James demands. He looks almost livid. He gets up off the couch and stares at me.
"I said, he was tormenting us and we took care of it." I repeat. "It's fine, don't worry about it."
James nods and runs a hand through his hair making it stand up. "I hate him."
"I can assure you that the feelings are mutual, James." I declare as I slouch on the couch. "What do you have for homework?" I ask, gesturing the parchment and books on the table.
"Divination." he sighs.
"Let me guess: you have to predict a death to pass."
"Pretty much, only this is supposed to be a month long thing, but I rarely seem to remember my dreams and when I do, I'd rather not share them with Professor Deanna." He smirks.
I grin. "I have an idea. Get the Marauders and my friends over here. We're gonna have a bit of fun with this homework."
James laughs. "You're saying that I should cheat on this?"
I pretend to think about it for a moment. "Yup."
"Never thought that I'd hear that from you." James kisses my cheek. "I'll be right back with some friends."
James returns with Remus, Peter, Alice, and Sirius. James holds his hands up. "Sirius may be an idiot, but he needs to have some fun too, Lils."
I know he's right and I don't know the whole story behind the breakup. Actually, I've only heard one side and it's missing something. "Alright."
"Divination homework." Remus comments. "This actually might be amusing."
"Let's start."
"Okay," James agrees. "So tonight?"
"You dreamed that Bellatrix fell off the Astronomy Tower!" Peter declares.
"Nah! That can't be the first night!"
"You played Quidditch in a storm and got blown into the Whopping Willow!" Alice suggests.
"Yes!" Sirius agrees. "My turn!! You were attacked by a giant spider while walking through the Forbidden Forest! You lost ur left eye and an inch off your left leg!"
James scribbles it down on his parchment. "Remus!"
Remus frowns and looks thoughtfully for a moment. "You got mauled to death by a new pet of Hagrid's."
"Who knew that man had such a love of all things dangerous and terrifying." Peter chuckles.
"Lily's turn!" Sirius bellows.
"You were told by all of the students that you forget to put your clothes on and then you lost Gryffindor six hundred and ninety-seven points, because you refused to believe them. Then all of your friends left due to their embarrassment of knowing you and told everyone, "we don't know him! We're foreign exchange students!" In strange accents of course!"
"Yikes, six hundred ninety-seven points. That would suck.
"Damn right!"
"I think I got all of that down!" James says cheerfully.
The next hour consisted of:
"You got thrown off the Astronomy Tower by Bellatrix."
"Your parents sent you to Beauxbatons!"
"Il ne serait pas si mal. Pensez aux possibilities!"
"Shut up!"
"Continuing with my homework!"
"You danced with sugarplum fairies and they took you to the rat king, who ate you and Crabbe."
"You met a girl under Venus in the sky and you both hopelessly tumbled to your death."
"That's for looking at another girl, Potty! You have Lily and if you hurt her, I will kick your arse!"
"Alice! Be nice!"
Sirius grabs the dictionary off the table and turns to A. "Alice: an impishly short girl with a nasty temper and the bloody Merlin, I'm gonna kill you look on her face."
"You're DEAD, BLACK!"
"Hmm, they really should update this dictionary. Hey, Lilykins, I'm gonna get you a new dictionary for your birthday!"
"Um, guys... I need one more dream." James calls out. "GUYS???"
Hey everyone! Hope everyone had a nice holiday! This chapter was kinda a filler besides finding out how Sirius broke up with Marlene. That's low...
Special thanks to: XxGoldenArchxX for the note idea! You're the best! Love u!
Thanks 4 reading! :D

The Patronus Charm- A Lily and James FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora