Chapter Forty-Six: Of All People, Why Him?

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"I can't believe we have finals in just over a month!" Sirius whines.

I close my textbook and glare at him. "I told you right after Easter Break that you should start studying! But no! Sirius Black does not study, but whines when he suddenly realizes that he's now in trouble."

"Bloody hell!" James exclaims as he walks into the Gryffindor Common Room.

"What's wrong?" I ask James.

He walks over and pecks my lips. "Patrol."

"I could have gone with you."

"We have another patrol to do tonight anyways." James waves me off.

"Seriously?" Alice gasps. "How many patrols are you guys doing these days?"

"Two on weekends and one on weeknights." Remus answers with a tired frown. The full moon is in three days and he looks worse than ever.

"Remus, you can skip tonight's patrol." I offer. "Alice could go instead."

"That would be nice." Remus sighs as he sinks into the armchair closest to the fireplace.

"Sure." Alice agrees. "I don't mind as long as I don't get in trouble."

"I'll clear it with Professor McGonagall." I promise.

"What were you studying for?" James asks.


"Do you really need to study for potions?"

"Of course! There's so many little things that I can't forget!"

Alice grabs my shoulder. "Folks, this is a case of Lilystudyinsanity!"

"What?" James asks.

"Lily. Study. Insanity." Alice repeats slowly. "Bloody hell, James, you should know what this is! She's your girlfriend after all!"

James smirks. "I know what it is."

I smack him on the side of the head with my textbook. "You all are mean to me!"

"And you're abusive!"

"Miss Evans, hitting Mr. Potter with the textbook is not appropriate." Professor McGonagall says from behind us.

"Sorry." I say quickly. "Professor, Remus isn't feeling well, so I was wondering if Alice could take his spot on patrol tonight."

Her stern eyes study Remus as if she's checking to see if he looks sick. "You do look unwell, Mr. Lupin."

"It's because know..." Remus says softly.

"Miss Evans, why don't you take another Prefect with you? In fact, take Mr. Snape with you tonight."

I can feel myself pale at her idea. Take Severus Snape? Is she crazy? James and Snape hate each other. It won't end well.

"Mr. Potter, you and Mr. Snape have a bad record together, but surely you can work together for the good of the school?"

James nods. "Of course, Professor."

"I shall inform Mr. Snape to meet you at the Great Hall at ten-thirty."

"Thank you, Professor." I say stiffly.

She walks out and I look at James. "Do you want me to find someone else to take your spot?"

James shakes his head. "And leave you alone with Snivelly? No."

"James, I'd be fine." I protest. James and Snape together is a disaster waiting to happen.

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